Page 72 - Hola_USA
P. 72
Some volunteers from
Ricky’s foundation, as
well as people he has
stood that one of the ways to become harshly to me—told me: “Who do you
free of pain is by helping others. think you are, you arrogant shit?”
That’s what he told me…. “Do you
What is the biggest life lesson you’ve believe you can change the world? No,
learned in your philanthropic journey, no, you can change one person. If you
especially this year? That sometimes a focus on changing one person’s life,
simple smile can heal thousands of you will have already won.” And so the
people in tragic circumstances. I have important thing is to keep talking and
learned from a lot of activists that have pulling up your sleeves; staying in the
been at this many more years than me. battle with no expectations—taking
They would tell me, “Are you insane? solid, firm steps. And doing so with
You can’t abandon the music. What you determination, so that interviews like
have, those millions of followers on this will get published.
Twitter and Instagram, that’s your
power. Use it. Talk about this issue. Who taught you to give? My parents are
Many will ignore it, but there will be my superheroes. And now my children
one person who will make this message are as well. I have my days and my ups
move forward.” One of those men- and downs, and I make a lot of mis-
tors—I swear to you he even spoke takes. I got depressed when I saw how
As a Goodwill
Ambassador for UNICEF,
the singer stays close to
the people he helps.