Page 73 - Hola_USA
P. 73
Ricky travels often on hu-
manitarian flights to visit
schools and children’s
shelters. Here he’s in
Thailand after the
fragile my little island was. I went into money…. Then one of my sons tells me:
the shower to cry. It was a heartbreak- “YOU HAVE TO PULL UP YOUR “Papi, I want to break my piggy bank. I
ing cry, but I could have gone from the SLEEVES AND STAY IN THE want to give it all.”
shower to the bed; I could have stayed BATTLE SO THAT INTERVIEWS
in bed three days. I dried up and went LIKE THIS WILL GET PUBLISHED” What did you feel when you heard this?
to my north; I went to my kids. I kissed That Superman has got nothing on me
and hugged them; I explained what was because my kids gave me that perspec-
AP PHOTO/VINCENT YU Are their little hearts as noble as their asked them, “What would you like to me. Maybe they’ll find out now and will
happening in Puerto Rico.
tive. They don’t know what they did for
read about it when they are big. They’ll
do?” I explained that there are organiza-
dad’s? They are very clear on things. I
tions, that people were donating
understand what they did for me. If they
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