Page 74 - Hola_USA
P. 74


                                                                                          With his biggest achieve-
                                                                                          ments in life—as he des-
                                                                                               cribes them—sons
                                                                                            Valentino, left, Matteo,
                                                                                           and fiancé Jwan Yosef.

       gave up their piggy bank, then I have to   It was a moment of certainty that you were   We sort of adopted these kids and took
       give mine. We’ve raised 4 million dollars   doing the right thing. I said, “Here is some-  them on tour with us. Then I could
       and are still going strong. To help any-  thing that has a major impact and that is   exchange ideas with kids my own age
       one can visit   bigger than I am.” If with one or two words   but with a very different reality from
       Every little penny helps.          I accomplished this, then let’s keep going   mine. That really shook me. I was a kid,
                                          on. And that is how it all started.  but had a special kind of maturity
       Do you think you have a noble heart? It’s                            because I left my home at 12 to work. I
       very difficult to answer that question                               was exposed to a lot of things that, if I
       because I’m still going through a pro-  “AS A 12-YEAR OLD BOY I      had stayed in Río Piedras, in University
       cess. Although I’ve gotten on in years   SHARED MY SHIRT AND MY      Gardens, I obviously wouldn’t have
       [46], I’m still learning about myself; I   SNEAKERS WITH A STREET KID,   known. This was 1984, when we were
       still have my doubts. I am very clear on   AND I SAID TO MYSELF: ‘THIS IS   with these street kids. After my trips to
       some things, but there’s always uncer-  REALLY NICE.’ AND WHAT IS    India, I realized that kids like those
       tainty. It exists daily and it doesn’t bother   ‘THIS’? WELL, THINKING ABOUT   were victims of trafficking. They didn’t
       me; on the contrary, I embrace it and   OTHERS. AND THAT MAKES ME A   tell  me  at  the  time.  I  remember  a
       move on. What I mean to say is that        GOOD PERSON”              12-year-old boy; I shared my shirt and
       maybe the moment that I rescued a                                    my sneakers with him, and I said to
       group of girls in India and received an                              myself, ‘This is really nice.’ And what is
       award in Washington D.C., and they sur-  But you’ve been doing social work for  ‘this’? Well, thinking about others. And
       prised me when they brought them up   30 years. It’s true. I did my first philan-  that makes me a good person [Laughs].  MARC FLORES/GETTY IMAGES FOR DISNEY
       onstage from so far away…I saw what lit-  thropic work at 12. When I got into
       tle work I did created a revolution which   Menudo we became UNICEF Ambassa-  You didn’t always feel like a good per-
       made it possible for these girls to come   dors, and the work we did in Brazil with   son? I grew up Catholic, and in my
       to Washington.                     street kids had a great impact on me.   home we are quite spiritual. I was an

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