Page 17 - The Economist Asia January 2018
P. 17

Briefing America and North Korea                                           The Economist January 27th 2018 17

              Face off                                                              the joint chiefs of staff and a man who
                                                                                   wields his influence discreetly, last  year
                                                                                   chided anyone who thinks it unimagin-
                                                                                   able that America might use force to check
                                                                                   a North Korean nuclear menace. “What’s
                                                                                   unimaginable to me is allowing a capabili-
                                                                                   ty that would allow a nuclear weapon to
              WASHINGTON, DC                                                       land in Denver, Colorado,” he said. In Au-
              Hope thatDonald Trump is bluffing overNorth Korea, butdo notcounton it
                                                                                   gust 2017 H.R. McMaster, a lieutenant-gen-
                 HE last time that America  almost  peared to be a hydrogen bomb, and pro-  eral who is national security adviser to Mr
              Trisked a pre-emptive strike on North  duced enough plutonium and uranium for  Trump, scolded an Obama-era predeces-
              Korea the gamble offered a spectacular  possibly dozens more warheads. Its mis-  sor, Susan Rice, for suggesting that their
              pay-off. Ashton Carter, a leading architect  siles credibly threaten American territory  country could contain and deter a nuclear-
              of that plan, recalls that his scheme for  in Guam, Hawaii or even the continental  armed North Korea, as it did the Soviet Un-
              bombing the Yongbyon nuclear facility in  United States, even if officials do not be-  ion. “She’s not right,” chided MrMcMaster,
              1994 assumed that in one or two days the  lieve a North Korean nuclear-tipped rocket  asking how “classical deterrence theory”
              entirety of the regime’s nuclear pro-  can yet reach an American city.  could apply to so brutal a regime.
              gramme could be levelled and entombed  Just because war in Korea would be un-
              in rubble. Mr Carter, who went on to be-  speakablydangerousdoesnotmean that it  On manoeuvres
              come defence secretary in the Obama ad-  will not happen. Sober officials with long  Even the defence secretary, James Mattis, a
              ministration, nowthinksthatan American  careers in Asia policy talk of being more  cerebral former Marine general who says
              first strike would only put “a significant  fearful than at any time in recent memory.  hisjob isto “buytime forourdiplomats” to
              dent” in North Korea’s arsenal of nuclear  America is governed by Donald Trump,  solve the North Korean crisis, has weighed
              devices and bombmaking sites. “The dif-  who revels in matching North Korea in  in. Put on the spot by reporters in Septem-
              ference today is that the North Koreans are  bluster. He hascalled MrKim “Little Rocket  ber 2017, he insisted that there are military
              very good at hiding, burying and moving  Man” and a “sick puppy”, and promised  options that would not imperil Seoul, the
              around their nuclear infrastructure,” says  that continued North Korean threats to  South Korean capital, though its 10m in-
              MrCarter, now at Harvard University.   America “will be met with fire and fury  habitants live within range of the North’s
                If the potential upsides of a strike have  like the world has never seen”. Mr Trump  artillery and missiles. Such options exist,
              shrunk, the risks have grown hugely. The  has at times called diplomacy with the  he said, “but I will not go into details.”
              crisis of1994 saw Kim Il Sung thwart inter-  Kim regime “a waste of time”. He is also  Others sound less certain. Mr Carter
              national inspections and threaten to put  scornful of allies and  alliances,  causing  notes—with tact—that retaliating against a
              plutonium from Yongbyon into half a doz-  one Japanese expert to identify a grave  foreign attack is the standing policy of the
              en primitive bombs. Since then power  concern: “that Trump will come up with a  North Korean armed forces. “If the US and
              passed to the despot’sson and in 2011to his  military option and not take the costs seri-  South Korea decided to initiate a strike, we
              grandson, Kim Jong Un, a young man in a  ously.” It is not just MrTrump. The generals  would have to make sure that we were
              hurry who has to date never met a foreign  seen as a steadying influence on the presi-  thoroughly prepared for a full-on conflict,”
              leader, even from China, the closest his all-  dent have given warnings that the Kim re-  he says. Invited to contemplate military
              but-friendless kingdom has to an ally.  gime cannot be permitted to build weap-  optionsthatwould notputSeoul in harm’s
              North Korea has tested six nuclear devices  ons that threaten American territory.  way Abraham Denmark, a Pentagon offi-
              between 2006 and 2017, includingwhatap-  General Joseph Dunford, chairman of  cial during the Obama era who worked on  1
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