Page 14 - The Economist Asia January 2018
P. 14

               Letters                                                                   The Economist January 27th 2018
                                        institutions, an ever-increasing                   Say what you like about Wash-
              Unhappyanniversary                                 Singaporean values
                                        partisanship, greatersocial                        ington Dulles, JFK and Miami,
              I fundamentally disagree with  divisions and the consequen-  “Rules are thickerthan blood”  but you left out one American
              the conclusion ofyourleader  tial breakdown in the ability of  (January13th) derided Singa-  airport that has managed to
              reviewingDonald Trump’s   society to find solutions to  pore’s norms on what consti-  earn the wrath ofboth Donald
              first yearin office. You let him  pressingproblems.   tutes a family as “Victorian”.  Trump and Joe Biden: LaGuar-
              offtoo lightly (“One yearold”,  JONATHAN TURNER     Ourvalues and social norms  dia. Both men have said travel-
              January13th). The critical point  San Francisco    on what makes fora stable  lingthrough LaGuardia is like
              comes in the final line ofyour                      family unit are conservative  beingin the “third world”.
              argument: “He and his admin-  Shame on you. Yourblinding  and shape the government’s  MIKE GALLAGHER
              istration need to be held prop-  desire to highlight the liberal  policies and rules on adoption.  Doha, Qatar
              erly to account forwhat they  left makes you write articles,  They differfrom today’s West-
              actually do.” Yet you reject  such as yourpiece on Mr  ern norms, which are histori-  No list ofthe world’s worst
              what you describe as an   Trump’s first year, that are  cally recent and by no means  airports is complete without a
              “obsession” ofMrTrump’s   incorrect and totally inaccu-  uncontested, even in Western  special mention forcertain
              opponents with his character,  rate. Liberals (Democrats) need  societies. Singaporeans will  terminals at Paris Charles de
              and suggest that his lackof  to learn how to lose. You’ll be  determine theirown pace of  Gaulle. In these Houses of
              principles actually creates an  backin powerone day and  any change in family values.   Dread, the ratio ofborder
              opportunity formakingdeals.  you’ll have yourchance once  Apush forrapid social  officials to passengers is some-
                In a country still torn by  more. Forthe time being, let Mr  change, especially on conten-  times one to a thousand. Pick-
              racial divisions, MrTrump’s  Trump do his job. His potential  tious moral issues, risks polar-  pockets and hustlers zero in on
              comments afterCharlottesville  mistakes may give you abun-  isingsociety and producing  you underthe sight ofun-
              mattera great deal. In a coun-  dant ammunition to demon-  unintended results. In Singa-  concerned policemen. Taxi
              try whose constitution en-  strate that he is wrong, but let  pore nearly all children are  drivers insult you copiously if
              shrines free speech, labelling  the guy prove you right. Be  born and raised in wedlock,  you want to pay by card. The
              the press as “the enemy ofthe  good losers and remember  starkly different from what  airport’s Wi-Fi gives you an
              people” matters a great deal.  that the country comes before  now happens in the West. We  advance taste ofescargots.
              Blatant disregard forthe truth  any political ideology.   make no claim to know which  ROMAIN POIROT-LELLIG
              matters a great deal, as does  ANDY VAN WALLEGHEM  values are best forevery  Paris
              encouragingviolence by the  Cypress, Texas         society. The Economist may
              police. The list goes on and is                    thinkSingapore is quaint and
              as longas yourarm.        Marginalised communities  old-fashioned, but time will
                You are wrongto imply that                       tell ifa cautious approach to
              callingattention to this type of  It was very welcome to see a  social change is wiser.
              behaviouris frivolous. Democ-  thoughtful article on the dire  FOO CHI HSIA
              racy and its institutions are  situation ofGypsies and  High commissioner for
              fragile and precious. The  Travellers in Britain who find  Singapore
              presidency matters more,  themselves newly ineligible to  London
              domestically and overseas,  apply foran authorised
              than the simple tally of  encampment (“No place to  Terminal decline
              legislative achievements. All  roam”, January13th). The most
              democratically elected leaders  unjust effect, however, is on  The main issue that prevents  I nominate Atlanta. It has the
              should be held to account for  the most vulnerable—those  America’s airports from pro-  longest queues and most
              theircharacter, theirhonesty  who cannot travel forreasons  vidingthe best possible pas-  bolshie officials, even by
              and theireffect on the fabric of  ofill-health orextreme old  sengerexperience is a woeful-  American standards. When
              theirnations. As the leader of  age—and who now cannot rely  ly understaffed Customs and  my feisty French wife
              the free world, America’s  on any national planning  BorderProtection agency  expressed concern at missing
              president should be held to the  advice ofthe sort which used  (“Departure gates ofhell”,  ourtransit flight, the gentle-
              highest standards ofall.  to enable them to continue to  January 6th). To ensure greater  man replied, “Lady, at this
                In some ways, yourargu-  live within the Gypsy and  efficiency and security, air-  point youronly concern is: am
              ments demonstrate the extent  Travellerethnic way oflife.   ports, includingMiami Inter-  I goingto allow you into my
              to which oursociety has been  I should add that ethnicity  national, have called forin-  country ornot?” My British
              anaesthetised by MrTrump  has been legally established, in  creases in CBP front-line staff,  passport full ofvisas to Russia,
              and his kind. Many ofthose  the case ofRomani Gypsies  forwhich Congress needs to  Qatarand so on, required an
              who hold him to account for  (Commission forRacial Equali-  provide the funding. CBP has  explanation foreach stamp.
              his ethics and his words do so  tyvDutton, 1989) and Irish  foryears faced a shortage of  Yes we missed ourflight. And
              not “as an exercise in wish  Travellers (O’Leary v Allied  thousands ofofficers across all  they lost ourluggage.
              fulfilment” to remove him  Domecq, 2000), which is why  ourair, land and sea ports. This  DAVID LING
              from office but because they  they should be spelt with  is a problem that will only get  Eguisheim, France 7
              have a grasp ofthe magnitude  capitals G and T. You wouldn’t  worse when enhanced border-
              ofthe issues facingthe United  want to write “jews” or  security measures further
              States, a love oftheircountry  “sikhs”, would you?  delay the traffic transiting  Letters are welcome and should be
              and a beliefthat integrity,  JANET WHITAKER        through these ports.       addressed to the Editor at
                                                                                            The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
              morality and characterare  Co-chair                KEVIN BURKE                1-11John Adam Street,
              important. The president’s  All-Party Parliamentary Group  President and CEO  London WC2N 6HT
              weakcharacterand dishones-  for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma  Airports Council International,  E-mail:
              ty contribute greatly to the  House of Lords       North America              More letters are available at:
              erosion oftrust in democratic  London              Washington, DC   
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