Page 78 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 78
“Martial arts” and “self-defense” are
not synonymous, although many people
think this is the case. The fact is that the
world of martial arts, in general, is huge
and diverse. From prominently promoting
philosophy, sport competitions, exercise,
fitness and self-defense, martial arts run
the gamut of personal benefits that, at
times, do complement and contribute to
true self-defense and, at other times, are
entirely on the far side of the spectrum.
Your mission is to dissect the various arts
by book or Internet research, watching
live classes and asking questions of
instructors and participants. This will
help narrow your choices regarding which
martial arts can directly and effectively
be used when your life, or the life of a
loved one, is on the line.
You can complement your physical training
with books and videos … but learn? Not
so much. Various media outlets should
be used to expand upon the material
covered in your self-defense (or martial FLASHY TECHNIQUES ‹ Above:
arts) classes. They are great for more in- WON’T WORK while great for
depth or deeper detail on techniques you Unlike what you see in movies or on endurance and
striking practice,
recently learned or scenarios you are television, many self-defense or martial arts doesn’t offer true
eager to explore. moves are simple, fast and to the point. The self-defense sce-
nario training.
Nothing replaces the physical contact flashy, high-flying kicks, constant exchange (Photo: Bigstock)
you experience by training with real of punches without true physical damage
people. The different heights and weights, and the ability to shake off a direct hit from ‹ Left:
strength levels, flexibility and speed of a hard punch—or even a weapon—are not A stun gun
movement of your attacker are all needed reality. Short, quick techniques are needed to device can get
the job done,
to fine-tune your techniques; and this is stun your attacker and allow you to get out but placing the
something a book, DVD or YouTube video of the situation quickly. “shock” is not
always an easy
just can’t provide. task to perform
(Photo: Bigstock)
Not true. Many self-defense styles regularly
practice multiple-attacker scenarios, because
the odds of you getting attacked by more than
one person are actually very high. Groups or
small gangs of people feel more powerful if
they have backup, and they use this to their
advantage when a solo victim is in their sights.
Your mission, if confronted by two or more
people, is to know the skills needed to evade and
escape, rather than thinking you can “take out”
the entire attacking crowd as if you’re the hero of
a 1980s action movie. Many martial art schools
and self-defense classes teach the proper way ‹ Left:
to move about the crowd and even use the extra Use of high
attackers to your advantage. kicks to your
opponent’s head
The key to surviving a multiple attacker situation or body usually
isn’t practical in
is to always stay mobile, keep all attackers true life-or-death
constantly in your view and continuously look for defensive situ-
ations. (Photo:
your fi rst opportunity to escape. Bigstock)
ASG_76-83_1710_DEFENSE.CX.indd 78 7/17/17 2:23 AM