Page 81 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 81



                    Packin’ some extra help? Remember: A weapon is only good if you know how to use it successfully when you are confronted by aggressive
                   individuals. Frequently, people who don’t want to be victims will carry all types of self-defense aids without fi rst knowing how to properly use them—
                   and, more importantly, how to keep them away from their intended recipient.
                    Below are the pros and cons of several commonly carried self-defense weapons. Check applicable laws and regulations before deciding to carry a
                   weapon of any sort.

                    Pepper Spray/Mace. This                       Stun Gun. A stun gun can
                   self-defense item, usually                    be highly e ective to stop
                   found on a key ring, is e ective             an attacker immediately by
                   when sprayed at an attacker’s                 shocking their body with an
                   face—specifi cally, their eyes and             electrical charge, thereby
                   nose. It needs to be ready to                 giving you the time needed
                   shoot, with its safety switch o ,            to escape. The success of this
                   prior to a possible confrontation.            device depends on having the
                   The downside of this weapon                   unit in your hand and ready to
                   is that it can be used against                use, as well as getting the stun
                   the victim if taken away by the               gun’s contact points in contact
                   attacker. In addition, during a               with your attacker’s exposed
                   windy day outdoors, the spray                 skin (thick jackets or coats will
                   can either miss its target or                 hamper its e ectiveness).
                   a ect its user instead.

                    Extendable Baton. This is a                   High-Powered Tactical
                   great o ensive and defensive                 Flashlight. An amazing non-
                   weapon. It is perfect to gain                 lethal and non-harming defense
                   distance from a knife-wielding                tool, the tactical fl ashlight
                   attacker. The baton can be                    can temporarily “blind” an
                   hidden in your back pocket or                 attacker, allowing a person
                   purse until it’s needed, and it               to escape from the situation.
                   works great in close quarters.                Some fl ashlights are built tough
                   However, without the proper                   so they can also be used as a
                   training, it will most likely only            striking device once the attacker
                   be used as a heavy “stick” that               is momentarily distracted.
                   is swung carelessly at the foe.               Unfortunately, the fl ashlight,
                                                                 when pitted against nearly any
                                                                 other weapon during a confl ict,
                                                                 will come up short.

                    Firearm. A firearm can                        Knife. Another easily
                   be deadly for both the                        concealable weapon, a
                   attacker and the user.                        knife can be used to keep
                   Without proper training                       attackers from advancing.
                   in concealment, drawing,                      Even so, as with a fi rearm,
                   aiming and keeping the                        the results of using a knife
                   weapon in your possession                     against an attacker can
                   during a confrontation,                       have mixed results. The
                   it might cause more                           intended victim can have it
                   harm than help. Plus,                         taken away and used against
                   the finality of the results                   them or on nearby family
                   of firing a weapon at an                      members or friends, who can
                   attacker could have long-                     be accidently cut or stabbed
                   lasting mental and legal                      during the scu  e.

                                                                                 [ASGMAG.COM]  AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE  81

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