Page 79 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 79

YOU CANNOT FORESEE AN ATTACK                                        STRENGTH ALWAYS
                                                                                       WINS OUT
                         BEFORE IT HAPPENS, BUT YOU                                    No; an attacker with superior strength
                           CAN REDUCE YOUR CHANCES                                     doesn’t automatically mean defeat for
                           OF BECOMING A TARGET … BY                                   you. A muscle-bound attacker, although
                                                                                       intimidating at first, can be neutralized.
                FOLLOWING SOME VERY SIMPLE AND                                         But you first need to understand why
                         FUNDAMENTAL PRECAUTIONS.                                      certain techniques work against a stronger
                                                                                       foe and learn how to counter their
                                                                                       strength with your speed and mobility,
                                                                        ‹ Left:
                                                                        Direct defensive   smart-striking (striking vital areas,
                                                                        techniques such   including the eyes, nose, throat, groin, etc.,
                                                                        as knee strikes are
                                                                        easily learned and   which cannot be toughened from regular
                                                                        simple to practice.   weight training) and joint manipulation to
                                                                        (Photo: Bigstock)
                                                                                       the point that their own strength will be
                                                                                       used against them.
                                                                                       SMALLER PEOPLE ARE AT A
                                                                        ‹ Below left:
                                                                        In an attack, men   DISADVANTAGE
                                                                        usually grab or hold   Like the superior strength fallacy
                                                                        women to control
                                                                        them. Studying   mentioned earlier, the physical size of
                                                                        similar scenarios   a person isn’t in direct proportion to
                                                                        with bigger, stronger
                                                                        opponents in class   their skill level or ability. People with
                                                                        helps to “feel” what
                                                                        really happens   smaller frames or a less-muscular build
                                                                        during an aggres-  can overcome larger opponents. The
                                                                        sive attack. (Photo:
                                                                        Bigstock)      solution lies in both practicing applicable
                                                                                       techniques and consciously making an
                                                                                       effort to work with larger opponents
                                                                                       during your class sessions.
                                                                                       As profi ciency increases, the intimidation
                                                                        ‹ Below right:   factor that, “he is too big” will fade, and
                                                                        Pepper spray can
                                                                        aid in self-defense,   a larger opponent will become just an
                                                                        but having it in-  “opponent.” Techniques taught to destroy a
                                                                        hand and ready to
                                                                        shoot is crucial to   bigger person’s foundation, such as lower-
                                                                        defending yourself   body strikes, sweeps, knee stomps, etc., will
                                                                        from an attacker.
                                                                        (Photo: Bigstock)  aid in cutting a larger opponent down to size!

                                                                                 [ASGMAG.COM]  AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE  79

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