Page 82 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 82

... THE PHYSICAL               ‹ Trust your   in their back pocket. These are all very good self-defense items, but they are useful only
                SIZE OF A PERSON               your heart or   if you know how to quickly access them prior to an attack and how to use them with
                                                          sufficient skill so they are not a hindrance while defending yourself.
                ISN’T IN DIRECT                something just   As with any tool or weapon, regular practice is a necessity to become comfortable
                                               doesn’t feel
                                               right. (Photo:
                PROPORTION TO                  Bigstock)  wielding it when it matters. Everything—the initial draw, the application and the finish—
                                                          should all be smooth and flawless. Only then does carrying a weapon become a smart
                THEIR SKILL LEVEL                         and practical idea.
                OR ABILITY. PEOPLE                        GYM CLASSES ARE GREAT RESOURCES
                WITH SMALLER                              Don’t confuse cardio-kickboxing with true boxing or kickboxing. Sweating while punching
                FRAMES OR A                               a bag and shooting out kicks to an invisible target is not self-defense training. It does
                                                          work your cardio, which is always a good thing, but it isn’t going to save your life when or
                LESS-MUSCULAR                             if you are attacked.
                BUILD CAN                                 Furthermore, a one-time seminar or special class that teaches women’s self-defense
                OVERCOME LARGER                           is great to introduce life-saving skills. However, the students won’t retain or be able to
                                                          effectively emulate the techniques shown after only one exposure. Consistent training (at
                OPPONENTS.                                least two days a week is the unofficial norm) is required to become proficient and able to
                                                          naturally perform the techniques.


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