Page 88 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 88
‹ Left: This is the While in New Orleans, I took a cooking
original Smokin’
Tuna Dip from class at the New Orleans School of
the Smokin’ Tuna Cooking. I learned how to use the
Saloon in Key
West, Florida. The different spices and styles of cooking that
author based his
own “spiced-up make New Orleans’ cuisine famous and
tuna” recipe on are not normally found in New England,
this one.
where I live. I now regularly put a Cajun
touch on everything from wild game to
corned beef. Even leftovers can be made
‹ Middle left: to taste better with just a little spice.
The ingredients
for spiced-up
While in Key West, Florida, I learned
some valuable lessons from two excellent
‹ Bottom left: chefs: José at Hogfish Bar & Grill, located
Using a Lodge
cast-iron Dutch on Stock Island, and Ricardo of Smokin’
oven, author Tuna Saloon, located in Old Town Key
Benner can
cook, even West. Each chef taught me lessons I can
when the power carry into any situation.
goes out (as it
did in this case). Any food, no matter how plain, can
be turned up a notch with just a few
simple ingredients. For instance, just
adding a little citrus (lemon, lime, orange
or grapefruit) can add an entire new
‹ Below right:
Cooking cod dimension to the flavor of your food. (And
we all know citrus helps fight off certain
illnesses, which is very important in any
survival situation. Just adding an orange
‹ Bottom right: slice or lemon wedge to your water will
Chives and
lemon will give it a pleasant flavor, as well as provide
make this fish the vitamin C you need. Just imagine the
special. benefit of adding it to your cooking.)
ASG-1710-COOK.CX.indd 88 7/17/17 2:30 AM