Page 19 - The Economist20171214
P. 19
Letters The Economist December 16th 2017 19
tonium, they are fuelled by statistics that halfthe trans- tance, how can such a lucky
Populist attributes
enriched uranium and actual- genderinmates in prison have boon be any more deserved
I don’t agree that Britain is ly produce surplus plutonium. been convicted ofsexual than a trust fund? The inheri-
populism’s “most surprising MARJORIE SMITH offences. Recent figures show tance ofeitherwealth or
victim” (Bagehot, November Cahors, France there were125 transgender intelligence (as well as other
18th). Britain is a country with prisoners in the system in the advantageous traits and
a carefully disguised, utter Irrational beliefs yearto March 2017, up by 55 circumstance) is objectively
disdain foreducation, where a from the previous year. But this unfair, but it is not inherently a
government ministercan say The fearofMuslims among is unlikely to include those transgression ofmoral or
that people “have had enough Hindus in India (Banyan, who have changed theirlegal social mores. Such innocent
ofexperts”; where the editors December2nd) is a sentiment genderand so the numberof good fortune should be tolerat-
ofthe ubiquitous gutterpress widely shared in Myanmar transgenderprisoners may be ed, ratherthen discouraged.
(the original masterminds of amonga population that is understated. Because no note JOHN BURKE
the post-truth era) are invited 88% Buddhist. Anxiety about is made ofwhetherfemales Vancouver
onto respectable radio and Muslim conversions, violence, convicted ofsexual offences
television news programmes and demographic increases while in prison have legally Inheritance taxes provide an
as ifto imply they had genu- has prompted the widespread changed theirgender, there is a incentive forwealthy people to
inely informed views to antagonism against Muslims, consequential riskofattribut- set up charitable foundations.
contribute; where there is not specifically the Rohingya. ingmale sexual offences to The Ford Foundation, for
one single seriouspublic intel- Legislation has been intro- females and materially over- example, was established in
lectual; where arguingthe duced to limit conversions of statingthe numberofwomen part to reduce the taxes that
point is seen as impolite; and Buddhist women to Islam and sexoffenders in the system. would be due on Henry’s
where an insistence on trying to deterthe expansion ofthe MIRANDA YARDLEY death. The legal requirement
to be right is often met with Muslim population. There are Leigh-on-Sea, Essex that these foundations dis-
patronisinggiggles. Britain’s no Muslims (orChristians) tribute part oftheirassets
disrespect foreducation is above the rankofmajorin the Death and taxes provides a vital flow ofcash to
inflicted on its students, who Burmese army and the Nation- non-profit organisations that
pay extortionate amounts for al League forDemocracy has You are right to argue forthe distribute food to the poor,
the self-professed gold-stan- not nominated any Muslim for retention ofsome form of provide shelterforthe home-
dard ofa British university. a seat in parliament. inheritance orestate tax(“The less, scholarships to low-
How, exactly, does any of DAVID STEINBERG case fortaxingdeath”, Novem- income students and other
that make Britain an unlikely Professor emeritus of Asian ber25th). Asensible system services that address poverty.
populist country? studies taxes a judicious mixofin- ROBERT RUTISHAUSER
FRANK WEYNS Georgetown University come, spendingand assets Austin, Texas
Paris Washington, DC (property and estates). Some
American states have run into
Political parties thrive on Genderreassignment financial difficulties by ignor-
discord and short-term ad- ingthis rule.
vantage. This frustrates voters, Regardingyourpiece on The devil is in the detail. If
who are wearied by polar Britain’s transgenderwars reducinginequality is the aim,
ideologies and adversarial (“Are women born ormade?”, then it is right to taxbeneficia-
politics. The remedy is not December2nd), a numberof ries ratherthan estates. Yet
mob rule but a purgingof transsexuals, includingmyself, even that relatively simple
parties from the democratic are opposed to self-identifica- principle needs to be fleshed
system. IfMPs were freed from tion. The present system out in crucial areas. What do
party allegiances, voted anon- requires real transformation to you do about residential prop-
ymously and appointed the one’s life in orderto change erty, forinstance, often the You quoted Adam Smith: “a
executive, ourParliament one’s legal genderunderthe largest part ofany estate and powerto dispose ofestates
would be steered by its judg- GenderRecognition Act of often treated very leniently for foreveris manifestly absurd”
ment and conscience, applied 2004, and affords us the taxpurposes? (“Death ofthe death tax”,
independently. The resulting protected characteristic of ROBERT SATCHWELL November25th). Was Smith
focus in elections on the quali- “genderreassignment” Haarby, Denmark referringto families, orthe
ty ofcandidates instead of the (although surgery is not actual- government? My observation
colourthey fly would bring ly required) underthe Equality The presumption that inherit- overthe past 40 years is that
blessed and universal relief. Act of2010. The corollary of ed wealth must be taxed to governments dispose offar
ROD TIPPLE the current proposals—based prevent the creation of“a more wealth than individuals
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire merely on self-identification— permanent, hereditary elite” orfamilies.
trivialises the real changes we that makes a society “un- PETER SCHMOLE
make to ourlives; others could healthy and unfair” is dubious. Los Angeles 7
then question the sincerity of Charles Murray has famously
There is a misleadingphrase in ourintent. Ourprotected (and formany, infamously)
“The siren songofno deal”, characteristic, based upon argued that disparities in Letters are welcome and should be
(December2nd). Britain’s material life changes, will be wealth reflect heritable differ- addressed to the Editor at
nuclear-powerstations may replaced by “genderidentity”, ences in intelligence. People The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
1-11John Adam Street,
well be unable to import plu- which amounts to nothing with high IQs marry each London WC2N 6HT
tonium afterBrexit, but they do more than thoughts and other, passingtheircognitive E-mail:
not need to do so. Britain’s feelings. advantages to theiroffspring. More letters are available at:
plants are not fuelled by plu- Furthermore, you quoted Ifintellect is itselfan inheri-