Page 20 - The Economist20171214
P. 20

20                                                                          The Economist December 16th 2017
         Briefing China and the West

        At the sharp end                                                     makers and civil servants, in the hope of
                                                                             “gleaning information and recruiting
                                                                             sources”. There have been reports of Chi-
                                                                             nese agents trying to groom up-and-com-
                                                                             ing politicians from Britain, especially
                                                                             those with business links to the country.
                                                                             And on December 13th America started to
        The Chinese governmentis using stealth to shape publicopinion and mute  learn of possible intervention, when the
        criticism in othercountries
                                                                             Congressional Executive Commission on
            VER the past year Australia has been  clearly  worried.  Further  revelations  China began hearings to lookinto Chinese
        Ogripped by a tale ofsuspicion, subver-  showed that two Chinese companies, one  attempts to win political sway.
        sion and spooks. In the latest chapter Sam  run by Mr Huang, had (legally) donated
        Dastyari, a Labor Party politician of Irani-  A$6.7m ($5m) over a decade to Australia’s  Piercing, not soft
        an extraction, resigned from parliament on  two main political parties. On December  China’s approach could be called “sharp
        December 12th. A recording had emerged  5th the governmentannounced legislation  power”. Itstopswell shortofthe hard pow-
        of him urging Australia to “respect” Chi-  banning political donations from non-citi-  er, wielded through military force or eco-
        na’s territorial claims in the South China  zens and requiring political lobbyists to re-  nomic muscle; but it is distinct from the
        Sea, contradicting the policy of both the  veal ifthey are workingforforeigners.  soft attraction of culture and values, and
        government and his own party, and con-  Australia is not alone. In September the  more malign. Sharp powerisa term coined
        firming earlier allegations against him. He  Financial Times reported that a New Zea-  by the National Endowment for Democra-
        also tried to stop his party’s foreign-affairs  land MP had taught at a Chinese spy col-  cy (NED), a think-tank in Washington, DC,
        spokesperson meeting a pro-democracy  lege for years but had left that information  funded mainly by Congress. It works by
        activistin HongKong. Ayearearlier he had  offhisCV when he laterapplied forcitizen-  manipulation and pressure. Anne-Marie
        been forced to leave his opposition post,  ship. That prompted growing calls for  Brady of the University of Canterbury in
        after revelations that he had taken money  more scrutiny of China’s influence over  New Zealand refers to China’s intrusions
        from HuangXiangmo, a Chinese business-  the Chinese diaspora in New Zealand.  as a “new global battle” to “guide, buy or
        man with apparent links to the Chinese  Canada’s intelligence services have long  coerce political influence”.
        Communist Party, at the same time as he  been worried about infiltration: in 2010  The result is different from the cold
        supported China’s territorial claims.  they warned that several provincial cabi-  war—less dangerous, but harder to deal
           Widespread evidence of Chinese med-  net ministers and government employees  with. Whereas the Soviet Union and the
        dling in politics and universities prompted  were “agents ofinfluence”.  Westwere sworn enemies, China isa keen-
        an Australian spy chief to warn that his  China seems to have been busy in Eu-  ly courted trading partner that is investing
        country was facing “an unprecedented  rope, too. Germany’s spy agency this week  huge sums beyond its borders (see chart 1
        scale” of foreign interference. The coun-  accused it of using social media to contact  on next page). This naturally gives it influ-
        try’s prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, is  10,000 German citizens, including law-  ence, which it is using to shape debate  1
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