Page 41 - The Economist20171214
P. 41

Middle East and Africa                                                   The Economist December 16th 2017 41

                                                                                 Also in this section
                                                                              42 Not another fish in the sea
                                                                              42 Jacob Zuma’s legal troubles
                                                                              43 Vladimir Putin’s victory lap
                                                                              43 Tunisia’s labour pains
                                                                              44 A rabbi without equal

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                                                                             and Africa, visit

        Electrification                                                       weaksupply. All over Africa, rich residents
        Shock therapy                                                        of big cities keep generators fuelled with
                                                                             diesel and large firmsbuild theirown pow-
                                                                             er stations alongside new factories. A lack
                                                                             ofelectricityiswidelythoughtto be one of
                                                                             the main obstacles to economic growth.
                                                                               Yet producing more power does little if
        NAIROBI                                                              people are unwillingorunable to pay forit.
        More Africans than everare connected to mains power. Yetmanyare notusing it  Earlier this year officials at KPLC said that
                                                                             almost1m customerswho are connected to
           OURISTS have long been drawn to  most13,000kWh each. In Kenya electricity  the grid have bought no powerat all.
        THell’sGate National Parkin Kenya byits  use per person rose by just 10% between  In much of Africa the problem stems
        steep cliffs, plentiful zebras and spectacu-  2010 and 2014, even as the number of peo-  from botched regulations and weak states.
        lar canyons. Recently there is a new attrac-  ple connected more than doubled.   In Tanzania private firms have invested in
        tion; a spa set amid the cliffs, with a huge  Some greens may hail such frugality.  gas-fired power plants but Tanesco, the
        pool heated by the energy stored in the  Theyshould not: the alternative to electric-  government utility, refuses to pay them for
        Earth’s crust. Curiously, it is not run by a  ity is often filthy, dangerous charcoal  the electricity it distributes.  In Nigeria,
        tourist company, but by KenGen, the na-  stoves and kerosene lamps. Besides, if util-  though the grid is fully privatised, electric-
        tional electricity generator. It abuts the Ol-  ities are unable to sell enough electricity to  ity prices are kept artificially low by the
        karia geothermal power plants, from  cover their costs then they cannot invest in  regulator. So distribution companies re-
        which plumes of steam pour into the sky.  maintainingormodernisingtheirgrids.   fuse to buy power from the generating
        Since 1982  four power stations have  The weaknessofdemand is, on the face  companies, complaining that they would
        opened here; a fifth is being built and work  of it, somewhat puzzling. Sub-Saharan Af-  make a loss selling it on. And customers
        on a sixth will begin soon. Energy harvest-  rica, with a billion people, generates less  rarely pay, since the supply is so erratic.
        ed from volcanic heat now provides al-  electricity than South Korea. Nigeria, the  Elsewhere, as in the slums of Nairobi, peo-
        most halfthe powerKenya needs.     region’s most populous country, produces  ple connect themselves to the grid through
           Electrification has been one of the  less than half as much as Romania despite  illegal hookups.
        country’s great successes over the past few  having almost ten times more people. This  Some well-intended policies may also
        decades. It is not just new generators; the  had long been assumed to be because of  be inadvertently hampering electrifica-
        number of people connected to the power                              tion. Among these, says Emma Gordon of
        network has also soared. According to the                            Verisk Maplecroft, a British consultancy, is
        Kenya Power and Lighting Company     Crossed wires                   the extension ofelectricitygridsto poorru-
        (KPLC), nearly three-quarters of Kenyans  Sub-Saharan Africa         ral areas. Bringingelectricityto subsistence
        are now connected, up from barely a quar-  Electric-power consumption  Access to electricity  farmers certainly improves their lot. But it
        terin 2013. The trend in manyAfrican coun-  kWh per person  % of population  is not cheap: a single connection in Kenya
        tries has been in the same direction. Ac-  600                 60    can cost nearly $2,500. And since few peo-
        cording to the World Bank, the proportion  500                 50    ple in rural areas can afford to buy power-
        of Africans with access to electricity in-  400                40    hungry appliances such as fridges or air-
        creased from 19% in 1991to 37% in 2014.                              conditioners, there is little chance that util-
           Yet this achievement is not quite as im-  300               30    ities will make much of a return on their
        pressive as it sounds. More people than  200                   20    investment. For people in rural areas, off-
        ever may be connected to electricity, but  100                 10    grid power such as solar panels or small
        they are not using it much. In 2014 each Af-                         hydroelectric systems may be a better op-
        rican consumed, on average, just 483 kilo-  0  1990  95  2000  05  10  16  0  tion. Abandoning the attempt to connect
        watt hours (kWh). That is less than in the                           them to the grid would mean more money
        1980s. Americans, for comparison, used al-  Sources: World Bank; IEA  to invest in urban areas.      1
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