Page 43 - The Economist20171214
P. 43

The Economist December 16th 2017                                                  Middle East and Africa 43
       2 tencies in his statements (Mr Zuma had  NATO, and Egypt has been a close Ameri-
        blamedatypingerror).Inresponse,theop-  can ally since the 1970s. But, like many of
        position Democratic Alliance (DA)saidit  theirneighbours, they are frustrated by the
        wouldfileacriminalcomplaintforperjury  absence of American leadership in the
        against Mr Zuma (but like the mountain of  Middle East. Apart from fighting the jiha-
        other such complaints filed by the DA, this  dists of Islamic State, President Donald
        is unlikely to go anywhere fornow).  Trump shows little interest in Syria. So Tur-
           Mr Zuma’s latest defeats provide even  key has pivoted towards the new power in
        more reasons for his ANC comrades to  the region. Once a staunch opponent of
        push him aside when the ruling party  the Syrian regime, Mr Erdogan now ac-
        meets near Johannesburg to elect new  cepts that Mr Assad will remain in power.
        leaders this weekend. Mr Zuma will step  HeisalsofuriousaboutAmericansupport,
        down after two terms as party boss (his  started under Barack Obama, for Kurdish
        term as South Africa’s president ends in  fighters in Syria, who have ties to militants
        2019 after a national election). He has  in his own country. Egypt, always a nettle-
        backed his ex-wife, Nkosazana Dlamini-  some partner for America, knows Russia
        Zuma, to succeed him as party leader and  will not punish it for persecuting dissi-
        its presidential candidate in 2019, perhaps  dents and democrats, as America did in
        hopingthatshewillshieldhimfromprose-  August when it cut some aid.
        cution. Those who think South Africa has  LatelyRussia haseven made forays into  This is my winning face
        had enough Zumas for now will probably  the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Though it is
        back the frontrunner in this leadership  part of the peacemaking “quartet”, it has  is privately seething at Russia’s refusal to
        race: MrRamaphosa. 7               been the least-active member. Last year,  restrain Iranian militias in Syria. Egypt en-
                                           however, Mr Putin offered to host a round  joysover$1bn in annual aid from America.
                                           of talks. In Ankara he damned Mr Trump’s  But ifit allows Russian pilots to roam its air
        Vladimir Putin’s victory lap       decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s  bases, it risks losing access to advanced
        Mission                            capital. The issue has no strategic impor-  American weapons and intelligence.
                                                                               Nor is Russia the only state looking to
                                           tance to him. Russia already has close ties
        accomplished                       with Israel; the stateless Palestinians offer  fill the void left by America. Last month
                                                                             Emmanuel Macron, the French president,
                                           nothing. But for Mr Putin, it was another
                                           chance to indict America.         helped defuse a political crisis in Lebanon,
                                             Mr Putin may have a domestic audi-  and he took a stand against Mr Trump’s Je-
        CAIRO AND MOSCOW                                                     rusalem decision. Muhammad bin Sal-
        Russia’s actions in the Middle Eastmay  ence in mind. Russians admire the presi-  man, the Saudi crown prince, is flexing his
        be aimed ata domesticaudience      dent’s assertive foreign policy. The Middle
                                           East has been a central stage for him. But  muscles in Yemen and beyond. Mr Putin’s
          VEN some of Bashar al-Assad’s staun-  the Syrian warhas generated little enthusi-  Mediterranean jaunt may help him at
        Echest opponents cringed at the snub.  asm at home. Most Russians would prefer  home, where he faces no real challengers.
        On December 11th Vladimir Putin made a  to see itwrapped up. While in Syria, MrPu-  But the Middle East is gettingcrowded. 7
        surprise visit to Khmeimim airbase in Syr-  tin said he would begin withdrawing
        ia, from where the Russian air force  troops. The “mission accomplished” mo-
        launched a bombing campaign against  ment could be seen as an opening salvo in  Tunisia’s economy
        Syrian rebels in 2015. Two years later, most  his campaign for re-election. His victory
        of Mr Putin’s aims have been achieved:  next spring is not in doubt, but the Kremlin  Labour pains
        Russia’s military bases in the Middle East  worries that turnout might be low.
        are secure; Western attemptsto isolate Rus-  With Russia’s economy still sputtering,
        sia have failed; and Mr Assad remains Syr-  the Middle East also offers a lucrative mar-
        ia’s president, halting what the Kremlin  ket. Rosneft, a state-run oil giant, is invest-  TATAOUINE
        sees as an American-backed wave of re-  ing more than $1bn in infrastructure in  Tunisia’s Nobel prize-winning trade
        gime change. But when Mr Assad tried to  Iraqi Kurdistan. The nuclear contract in  unions are holding the countryback
        join a photo-op, a Russian officer grabbed  Egypt is one of several across the region;
        him by the arm. The base might be on Syri-  both Jordan and Turkey have also signed  ESIDENTS of Tataouine, on the edge of
        an soil, but it is Russia’s turf and Mr Putin  up with Russia to build plants. The Syria  Rthe Sahara, thinkitoughtto be a boom-
        would lead the victory lap.        campaign was a demonstration ofRussian  town. The dusty city is close to Tunisia’s oil
           From Syria Mr Putin flew to Egypt for  military kit, and perhaps a blueprint forfu-  and gas reserves. But firms do most of their
        talks with its president, Abdel-Fattah al-  ture operationselsewhere. The ruthless de-  recruiting elsewhere and send their profits
        Sisi. Theyagreed to resume flightsbetween  ployment of modern air power proved an  away. The local unemployment rate is
        theircountries, which were cutoffafter the  efficient means of changing facts on the  more than twice the national average of
        bombing ofa Russian airliner over Sinai in  ground. Pseudo-private military compa-  13%.InApriljob-seekingprotestersshutthe
        2015. They also moved forward on a $21bn  nies used as assault forces helped keep  main oil pipeline and briefly halted work
        deal for Russia to build a nuclear power  Russian casualties out ofthe public eye.  on Nawara, a biggasfield. YoussefChahed,
        plant on Egypt’s northern coast. In recent  Yet talk of Russia as the new regional  the prime minister, wasbooed offthe stage
        weeks they have discussed letting Russian  superpower is overblown. For one thing,  at a town-hall meeting. So the Tunisian
        military jets use Egyptian airstrips. Mr Pu-  Syria ishardlya resoundingvictory: MrAs-  General Labour Union (UGTT), the coun-
        tin ended the day in Turkey, where Recep  sad is the enfeebled leader of a ruined  try’s largest, stepped in to mediate. In June
        Tayyip Erdogan, his Turkish counterpart,  country. So far Russia has tried to play all  it announced a deal: the state would hire
        announced progress on a deal to purchase  sides, workingclosely with Iran, while cul-  another3,000 workers from the region.
        a Russian air-defence system.      tivating deeper ties with its arch-rival, Sau-  The concession ended the protests. But
           Much ofthiswould have been unthink-  di Arabia. These relationships will inevita-  it was bad policy. The state oil company is
        able a fewyearsago. Turkeyisa member of  bly come into conflict. Israel, for example,  already an inefficient mess. Over the past 1
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