Page 25 - The score
P. 25
There’s a SONG FOR
every nighT
And every night deserves a Date night: Most obvious night. Often, Bitter night: You know those nights
the best night. Incomplete without
when you feel like the world is out to
song. Look, life throws us lots the right song. And guess what? We get you? That everything seems to be
of lemons, and there’s a song have the right song. going wrong on purpose? You hate
your job and it’s going terribly, you
for each lemon. Life throws us I Love you Baby, I Love You Doll - got dumped again and can’t figure out
Parekh and Singh.
what you are doing wrong, landlord
some apples too, which also Sure, it’s about a love that is a tad hikes your rent again, you are too
come with their set of tunes. dysfunctional in about 7 ways, but it’s tired to cook and too broke to order
got the most adorable lyrics. Parekh
takeout. What helps?
I can’t tell you the first thing and Singh understand half-light 100 words (acoustic) - Prateek Kuhad
dreamscapes too well. The tune is
about how to endure lemons upbeat, and the video is deliciously Other than the fact that Kuhad
and celebrate apples, but I can surreal. It’s like Alice in Wonderland creates melodies that can soothe the
on meth, but you know, the good kind.
most aching minds, 100 words is a
point you to music that will very beautifully sung complaint.
make some of them easier to It’s not venting; rather, its like a
whispered, shared story. You kind of
deal with. sit with Kuhad and let him make you
feel that he gets it. It helps to know
Let’s get started… that someone else gets it.
Guitar night: We’re talking about Artsy night: By this, I am referring
the kind of night in which you get to the night when you want to write,
your guitars out, jam for hours, paint, knit, create art. You lock yourself
then intensely listen to great music, in your room, you let the night sky peep
marvel over how these guitarists got through the window, you build entire
so good, then jam some more. Maybe worlds in your head and out it to paper
pour a drink in between sets and/or or silk or wool or strings. A potent Classical night: This is when you look
arguments over “Is rock truly dying night for a song like this? up Ustad Vilayat Khan and Liszt on
now that Eric Clapton is going deaf?” Shaad - Parvaaz Youtube because you feel like a sense
(Real discussion I heard in the bus). of history can do you good. But if you
Magical band that have never created feel like the best of both worlds...
We go old-school.
a sound that is short of ethereal? Yumeji's Theme (In The Mood for
Sometimes this world (is not such a Speaks for itself. Love) - Sarod cover by Pandit Mukesh
bad place) - Blackstratblues Sharma
Yes, it’s from their newest album, but Imagine translating a piece of Won
they sound like their first one. I’m not Kar-wai to a sarod. Originally one of
saying older is necessarily better, but the most authentic representations of
Mendonsa manages to make it sound longing on violin strings, Pt. Mukesh
like the biting, earthy rock saga that Sharma converts it into a goosebump-
the band built its sound on. You’ll inducing, engulfing piece that
listen to it, pause, shake your head in manages to confound any concerns
amazement. Then you’ll jam because you might have about the existence of
you need more practise. beauty in the world.
The Score Magazine 23