Page 23 - The score
P. 23
Beginners guide to picking up
A dilemma that most musicians face in their initial years hi-hats with the tip of the stick and serves as the time-keeping
is that of choosing gear. Be it analog pedals and digital spine for a countless number of songs and genres.
processors for guitarists, or patches and presets for keyboard The second would be the open sound, played when the hi-
players, all of us have gone through the ambiguity of too many hats are left loose and usually hit using the shaft of the stick.
choices and not enough knowledge. We’re here to break down
one such problem for budding drummers – Cymbals. This creates an excessively washy and loud sound, but also a
relatively quick decay, making it perfect to bind together loud
These tools occupy a range of frequencies like none other and and heavy music.
require very responsible usage in order to communicate and
not just add incomprehensible noise. As a starter guide, we The third and often overlooked sound is that of a clap. The
can break down some major ideas here that you could further sound made when pressing the two hats together, which
explore with the idea of listening as the most important tool is similar to a closed hi-hat sound yet characteristically
different. In order to make an informed choice it’s important not
in your quest for the right sound. So look them up, do your to overlook any of these.
research and keep your ears perpetually open.
The Crash
The Ride
Arguably the most defining sound for drummers in most Probably the most commonly known and heard sound in the
drum kit, the crash has such wide applicability combined
genres, there are three major sounds you can look at when
approaching this cymbal. First is the attack or the sound you with a lack of any definitive rules to its usage, that
get when the tip of your stick hits the cymbal. Depending on there is no way to make an informed choice
the kind of music you play, this would be anywhere from a without listening to each one individually.
Two ideas to keep in mind, however,
bright, warm sound to dark and dry sound.
would be the overall pitch and
The second is the wash. This is the range of overtones and frequency of the crash sound that
reverberations as a consequence of hitting a cymbal. The is usually determined by its size,
lighter you hit, the more short-lived the wash. If you’re and the length of decay of sound
looking to explore this sound, it would make sense to strike and overtones, which would
the cymbal using the shaft of your stick instead of its tip. again decide how often and in which
context to use the crash.
The third is the bell. This is the swollen centre of the cymbal
that produces a very defined, sharp sound that decays quickly Effects Cymbals
and cuts through every other instrument in the mix, and
has to hence be used very responsibly. There are practically This group of cymbals is pretty much
limitless different sounds a bell can make depending on the every other cymbal outside of the three
cymbal itself, and hence it makes for a major parameter when main ones above, including stacks, chinas,
choosing the perfect ride. gongs, splashes and more. It would make
sense to explore these only after getting a
While some of these terms might seem ambiguous, as you grip on the fundamental cymbals and their
listen to a variety of cymbals you will understand the meaning aspects, as these are born out of more niche
attached to this jargon. needs and individual preferences, along
with usage in specific genres.
The Hi-Hats
This pair of relatively smaller cymbals forms the backbone of Again, it would be important to emphasize
on how impractical this guide will be
practically every genre of music and has such a wide usage in
technique and sound that it makes for a very crucial element without actually listening to every element
of every cymbal you can. Not just virtually,
in any drum kit. Instead of delving into the complexity of its but in studios and stores and a live context.
possible use, it would be better to consider a few major aspects Your ears are a priceless tool, and with
that can define your own sound fairly well.
some initiative and a small head-start
The first would be its sound when played shut. This is usually using this guide, we’re confident you’ll
a quick attack, quick decay sound made by hitting the closed be capable of expressing yourself in
the best manner possible.
The Score Magazine 21