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P. 27

         Music at



       If there’s anything better than silence, it’s music. Add to it the   event, during intervals and at the end too. The Indian Premier
       buzzing energy of sports and sports fans, and you have epic   League matches play music after every big hit or a wicket-it
       theme songs bringing millions of people together singing the   denotes overall entertainment instead of just a sport.
       same tune. Sports has the power to bring together people of   Playing the national anthem at the start of any sporting event
       all castes and creed to cheer for one team or one country or
       even a player. No age, colour or country comes into play when   is also a tradition religiously followed across the globe and at
       one is cheering for one’s team and music has even more power   a lot of sporting events like cricket, football and even baseball.
       when played at sporting events. Not only does it bind the fans   The national anthem is played at all major events and even at
       together but also keeps them energised to keep cheering their   smaller college or community driven sporting events adding
                                                               to the universality of the matter. It is played in honour of the
       favourite teams and players on.
                                                               country and to promote audience involvement and to invoke
       Music has been used at sporting events since as far back as   in the players a sense of patriotism, hence encouraging them
       the Olympics in 1896 where background music was played.   to play for the country and its people.
       The ancient Greeks are known to use music widely during   Not only theme songs but there are some popular songs which
       festivals, tournaments and sporting events. Theme songs are
       often also known as stadium anthems or arena anthems as   are played during matches are We Will Rock You and We Are
       they are played over the public address systems at sporting   the Champions-they are commonly heard at sporting events
       events at the start as well as during intervals.        and have become cult classics in this genre. Some popular
                                                               anthems include the FIFA Anthem and the UEFA Champions
       Music  has  been  used  in  sporting  events  since  thousands  of   League Anthem. Stadium anthems are usually characterised
       years and with the spur in digital downloads and international   with catchy rhythms and an upbeat tempo. They are usually
       collaborations between artists of different countries, the   inspired by genres like rock and roll, dance music or even rap.
       craze regarding music at sporting events has seen a manifold   Music is also used to build the energy of the fans and keep them
       increase. These days each sporting event has its own theme   integrated with the event. Music fires up the unenthusiastic
       song and a new one is recorded each year. Audiences love the   crowd and fuels the already excited fan. With music and its
       theme songs and it is often released several weeks prior to the   profound effect, there is an even higher amount of emotional
       actual event to engage the spectators and build up a hype. This   investment in the game. Be it the epic world cup song by Adnan
       is also a clever marketing strategy wherein the anthems also   Sami celebrating cricket or the various league level of sports
       bring in money to the channel vis a vis record sales. Sometimes   like Indian Premier League(IPL) or Indian Super League(ISL)-
       teams record their songs, other times it’s channels promoting a   they all have a different theme song for every year. These
       sporting event, sometimes it’s the sports federation promoting   songs are usually as popular as the tournament itself and have
       an international event. Music is played at the beginning of the   earned a place in every sporting fans life.

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