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DECEMBER 2018 • Volume 32 No. 4  
                                                                     VAILLANCOURT FOLK ART SANTA CLAUSES

                                                                                   1st Chalk Ware Figurines of Modern Era
                                                                      By Larry LeMasters

                                                                      LeMasters’ Antique News Service
                                                                                                            Folk art collectibles are difficult since some
                                                                                                          folk art is considered collectible as soon as it is
                                                                                                          created while some vintage folk art is simply
                                                                                                          “old!”  A beautiful example of instantly collectible
                                                                                                          folk art is Vaillancourt Folk Art since it has been
                                                                                                          collected since its inception in 1984.
                                                                                                            Judi and Gary Vaillancourt founded
                 The Sunshine City Antiques Show                                                          Vaillancourt Folk Art & Friends when Gary gave
                         January 11-13, 2019                                                              Judi three antique chocolate molds as a Christmas

           The Sunshine City Antiques & Collectibles Show Jan 11 - 13, 2019 returns to                    gift.  Judi, a true lover of antiques, works as an
         the historic Coliseum in downtown ST Petersburg, FL with a full house of great                   illustrator and is always looking for creative
         booths. 100 fabulous booths will offer everything from jewelry to antique                        things to do, so she experimented with using the
         furnishing, great art, silver, decorative antiques plus Asian American and                       vintage molds to mold chocolates for friends
         European antiques. Art pottery and french porcelain are also featured at this
         event. Save the date for ST pete's premiere antiques event. Show hours are:                      and family.  Soon, thereafter, she was pouring
         Fri. Jan. 11, 5 pm-8 pm; Sat. Jan. 12, 10 am-5 pm; Sun. Jan 13, 10 am-5 pm.                      beeswax figurines using the old chocolate molds.
         Admission $7, good for unlimited re-entry all show days. Parking is free.                               Following the success of chocolate
           The Coliseum is located at 535 fourth Ave N St Petersburg, FL.
           For information call Allman Promotions, 239-877-2830 or visit our website.   “Father Christmas with Donkey” Vaillancourt   and beeswax casting, Judi Vaillancourt                                Folk Art Santa that is valued at $700.  experimented with solid chalk ware casting
                                                                                                               (chalk ware, in the 1930s, was considered
                                                                                                               the “poor man’s
                                                                                    Oviedo Antique             Staffordshire, and

                                                                                     Mall Christmas            Vaillancourt’s work
                                                                                                               is considered the first
                                                                                      Extravaganza             chalk ware castings
                                                                                     Nov. 30-Dec. 3            in the modern era)
                                                                                                               and developed her
                                                                                                               own, unique process
           During the 4 day extravaganza, all 110 dealer booths will be offering fabulous sale pricing - up to 50% off storewide. There will also be a   to cast chalk ware
         complimentary hot & cold buffet is available all 4 days. During the Friday thru Monday sale each customer purchasing $30 or more receives   figurines using old
         a free gift.
           Located at 95 Geneva Drive Oviedo, FL 32765 (407-366-3668), Oviedo Antique Mall is open 7 Days a week Monday-Saturday 10am-7pm   confectionery molds.
         & Sunday 12-6pm. The mall will be loaded with antique, vintage and contemporary Christmas décor.
           The 12,500 square foot mall is loaded with an ever-changing array of all your favorite antiques and collectibles. Offered  are coins &
         paper money, gold, silver & costume jewelry, furniture, primitives, linens, Lladro, Baccarat, China & Crystal, Lenox, military collectibles,   Continued on Page 3
         Fiestaware, art work, advertising collectibles, antiquarian books, Kitchenalia, LP albums, Longaberger baskets, Disney collectibles, antique
         toys, French milled soaps & lotions, antique & modern cameras, and so much more!                                 Gold Santa
           Stroll through Oviedo Antique Mall while listening to 1950’s hit music.  Complimentary Snacks and drinks are always available for our   with Bells” figurine
         customers. Onsite watch & clock repair by 40 year veteran watchmaker, as well as complete onsite antique and modern camera repair service.  valued at $460.

                                                  Florida’s Largest Monthly Antique Event!

                                                       300                     South Florida Fairgrounds            NOV 30 - DEC 2
                                                                                    9067 Southern Blvd.
                                                VENDORS                         West Palm Beach, FL 33411

                                                      EARLY BUYERS:  “1st Pick” Friday 12-5PM • Admission $10 - Good All 3 Days • GEN. ADMISSION: SAT 9AM-5PM, SUN 10AM-4:30PM • Admission $8
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