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December, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 5
        VAILLANCOURT                          Luke Vaillancourt, Judi’s son,                             Need Gift Ideas?
        Continued from Page 3                 summed up Vaillancourt’s business
        cap and bag.  His bag                  philosophy when he said, “We live
        is bull of metal bells                 in a disposable world where it is                        Visit your local Antique Shop!
        since “every time a                    not uncommon for people to buy
        bell rinds an angel                    and discard [nearly everything].                       They will help you with your list
        gets his wings.”                       With that in mind, our goal
           Collectors                          isn’t just to create a beautiful
        particularly search                   fine art product, but to begin a                       Something for Everyone!
        for Vaillancourt                     tradition that can be passed down
        “Starlight” Santas                   to the next generation.”  Americans
        that are produced                    have embraced that concept and
        in cooperation                      Vaillancourt Santa Clauses have passed   A                       Would You Like To Be An
        with the Starlight                   from the realm of mere collectible to       Asheford      Antique Appraiser or Dealer?
        Foundation.  Starlight               the magical realm of heirloom in just   P  Institute of
                                                                                                       Since 1966, The Asheford Institute of Antiques has been providing a Profit and
        Santas, began in                      30 short years.  One look at a Judi   P    Antiques      Pleasure home study course that offers tremendous financial & personal rewards.
        1990, are produced                     Vaillancourt Santa will tell you why   R
        annually in limited                    this has happened.                  A                         CERTIFIED APPRAISAL PROGRAM
        runs.  After December                    It is unlikely that celebrating        You Can:                                For a FREE booklet mail coupon to:
        31st, the Starlight mold            Christmas will ever end, so hand-made   I   • Become a Certified Appraiser                ASHEFORD
                                                                                        • Start your own business from your home
        for that year is retired and never used   chalk ware Santas will always be in   S  C  • Learn to sell & appraise online  INSTITUTE OF ANTIQUE
                                                                                                                                     981 Harbor Blvd.,
        again.  Some collectors limit their   vogue too.  It is this heirloom quality   A  • Choose the hours you wish to work    Ste. 3, Dept. 275WQ153
                                                                                        • Become an “antique interior designer”
        Vaillancourt collection to Starlight   that collectors seek, making Vaillancourt   O  • Complete a professional-level Course with a Diploma  Destin, FL 32541-2525
        Santas since such a collection now has  chalk ware Santa Clauses nostalgic   L  U             ASK HOW ... HERE!           or call: 1-877-444-4508
        17 pieces and grows by one each year. collectibles for modern collectors.    R   NAME  _______________________________________________________________

        SHOWN: This large, over 20 inches tall, “Window Display” Santa with Marionette was cast using   S  ADDRESS  ___________________________________________________________
                                                                                         CITY  ______________________STATE ______________ ZIP __________________
        an antique chocolate mould that was once used as a “Window Display” in chocolate shops.    E
                    This Vaillancourt original is signed by Judi and valued at $1,200.           

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         Come visit our shop featuring furniture,   Mon.-Sat. 10-5 • Sun. 12-5                                                 3
               pottery, artwork, or that            941-722-5255                                                                 6 2   4
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                6441 U.S. Highway 19                             #1 Antique Mall
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