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Page 6          The Antique Shoppe             December, 2018
                                          A-1 Auction Presents Special                   “GLASS SEASON” RETURNS IN FLORIDA
                                            Roseville Pottery Auction               The 2019 winter schedule for the Florida Depression Glass Shows has been
                                         Orlando— A-1 Auction is offering a rare   announced. Each show is independently sponsored by a local glass club or promoter
                                                                                  and has different vendors.
                                      opportunity to add to your Roseville Pottery   The schedule kicks off with the 45th ANTIQUE DEPRESSION GLASS &
                                      Collection or start a new one. Their upcoming   DEPRESSION GLASS SHOW & SALE will take place January 26-27, 2019 in at
                                      sale features the entire collection of Roseville   the Fraternal Order of Police Building in Jacksonville. The show sponsored by the
                                      Pottery from a Central Florida collector of many   Collectors of Depression Glass Club has formerly been held each fall, but the club has
                                      years.                                      moved the updated show to January. Please visit the club website:
                                         The auction will take place on Sunday, or their Facebook page for club information.
                                      Decemeber 2, 12 Noon at their location, 3424   The GREATEST GLASS SHOW ON EARTH takes place on February 2nd &
                                      Shader Road, Suite 7, in Orlando.           3rd. The show is held at the Emma Lou Olson Civic Center in Pompano Beach. This
                                         Rare and unique pieces to be offered     is the 45th annual show & sale presented by the South Florida Depression Glass Club.
                                      without reserves! Phone and absentee bidding   Show information can be found on their website at:
                                      is available, and online bidding is offered at   The schedule concludes with the 40th Annual DEPRESSION ERA GLASS,
                                                     CHINA AND POTTERY SHOW AND SALE on February 9th and 10th. The show is
                                         For additional information call 407-839-0004   held at the MINNREG building in Largo.  For information visit
                                      or email    or look in our show section.

         Classic Furniture & Consignment                GANNON’S
               Antiques & Collectibles             Antiques & Art
              “Everything Comes with a Story”                                                                                Ivy Cottage
                                                   16521 S. TAMIAMI TRAIL
                         Authorized Dealer of                                           Antiques & Collectibles
                            Sid Dickens        Area’s LARGEST Mall                                                           Antiques & Treasures
                           Memory Blocks            20,000 Square Feet                   Estate Liquidations                   2259 Widman Way
                   Vintage Peddler                                                          Specializing In-                  Ft. Myers, FL 33901
                                                                                              Art Pottery
                                                                                           Nautical Antiques                     239-226-0025
                                                                                          50’s Modern Decor
                              MON-FRI 10-5
                                 SAT 10-4                                                                                   Open Tue-Fri 11-5 - Sat 11-4
                                                                                            Always Buying                     Over 6,000 Square Feet
                            239-437-9117              100 DEALERS                      Antiques • Vintage • Victorian
                                                    HUGE VARIETY                                                             Cottage • Shabby Chic
             16050 S. Tamiami Trail, #101              Located on US 41                 17851 Pine Ridge Rd. #1             Collectibles • Farmhouse
                                                     (239) 489-2211
                 Ft. Myers, FL 33908     2             Ft. Myers Bch, FL 33931                  Home Interiors      4
         1                                                                     3

                                                                                         Ft. Myers



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