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Page 4          The Antique Shoppe             December, 2018
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                                                                December 2018                                  MONDAY, DECEMBER 10
                                                                                                                      (Shop Shot Deadline the 12th)

                                                                                                             ADVERTISERS INDEX

                “Florida’s Best Newspaper                                                                  Arcadia .......................................................... 3
              For Antiques and Collectibles”                      MONTHLY DISPLAY                          Belleair Bluffs ............................................... 10
                                                                                                           Belleview ..................................................... 23
                         is published by:                                                                  Brandon ....................................................... 11
            Specialty General Services Publications, Inc.        ADVERTISING RATES                         Charlotte Harbor ........................................... 2
             PO Box 2175, Keystone Heights, FL 32656       Prices include FREE Local Map + Listing for Local Shops.  Cooper City .................................................. 32
                         PH: 352-475-1679                                    1mo  3mo  6mo  12mo           Crescent City................................................ 21
                  email:               FULL PAGE                $ 590  540  495  435   Crystal River ................................................. 23
           All material contained within this publication is the                                           Dade City ....................................................... 8
              property of The Antique Shoppe Newspaper.    HALF PAGE          345  320  290  255
          Reproduction of any part is strictly forbidden without   QUARTER PAGE   195  180  167  145       Davenport .................................................... 15
                   permission from the publisher.          EIGHTH PAGE        106    97     89     79      Deland ......................................................... 16
                                                                                                           Dundee ........................................................ 15
                 PUBLISHED MONTHLY                         SIXTEENTH PAGE       61     55     51     45    Earleton ....................................................... 21
                  The First Week of Each Month                 (ONE MODULE)                                Ellenton ......................................................... 5
                                                           Color $50.00-$100.00
        Publisher                       Bruce Causey       Inserts $35.00/Thousand                         Eustis ........................................................7/19
        Production Manager             Pattye McLean       Map Listing $25.00/month (Min. 6 Months)        Fanning Springs ........................................... 23
                                                                                                           Ft. Myers..................................................... 6-7
        Accounting                        Deb Causey                                                       Ft. Pierce ...................................................... 30
        Web Design                        Katie Payne                  CLASSIFIED                          Gainesville ................................................... 21
        Advertising Sales               352-475-1679                                                       Grant ........................................................... 30
                                                                             1mo  3mo  6mo  12mo           Green Cove Springs ..................................... 25
          ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES BY AREA              1-20  words              $   11     28     50     87  Gulfport ....................................................... 12
        Bob Thompson ................................352-331-5334  21-25 words     12     31     56     97  Haines City ................................................... 15
        Alachua Co.                                        26-30 words          13     37     60   104     Havana ......................................................... 23
        Tom LeRoy .......................................561-213-2375  31-35 words     14     39     63   108  Howey In The Hills ....................................... 19
                                                                                                           Hudson ........................................................ 10
        Duval Co.                                          36-40 words          15     40     65   113     Jacksonville .................................................. 24
        Ron Millione ....................................352-315-0761  41-45 words     16     42     78    133  Kissimmee .............................................. 28-29
                                                           Order Form Available in Classified Section of this issue
        Sumter Co.                                                                                         Lake City ...................................................... 22
        Greg Wonders..................................813-361-3499  Need a Subscription                    Lake Butler ................................................... 21
        Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, Manatee Counties                                                          Lake Wales ................................................... 15
                                                                                                           Lake Worth .................................................. 32
        Rick Farneski ....................................727-490-8135                    to               Lakeland ...................................................7/15
        Pinellas Co., Hillsborough Co., Bradenton          The Antique Shoppe?                             Largo ............................................................ 10
        Cynthia Morselli ..............................904-206-6697  The Antique Shoppe is distributed as a complimentary   Lutz ................................................................ 9
        Polk Co., Plant City, Brandon, Dade City          gift from its advertisers, and we encourage you to stop   Melbourne ................................................7/31
                                                                                                           Mount Dora ................................................. 19
        Sheila Elliot ......................................845-304-6988  by your favorite shop, mall or auction every month to   New Smyrna Beach ...................................... 17
        Palm Beach & Martin Co.                           pick up your new copy, and thank the merchants who   Nokomis......................................................... 2
                                                          provide  it  for  you.  For  the  convenience  of  those  who
        Dorothea Killian ...............................941-800-7429  may not be able to get to a shop each month, or those   North Port ..................................................... 2
        Charlotte & Sarasota Counties                     who live out of state, we offer subscriptions for $17.12   Ocala ............................................................ 23
        All Other Areas ............................. 352-475-1679  per year (US), to cover the cost of postage and handling.  Orange Park ................................................. 25
                                                                                                           Orlando .................................................. 28-29
                INTERESTED IN JOINING                      PLEASE SEND MY SUBSCRIPTION TO:                 Oviedo ......................................................... 29
                   OUR SALES STAFF?                        Send to:  ___________________________           Palatka ......................................................... 21
                CONTACT US TODAY  352-475-1679             Address:    __________________________          Palm Harbor ................................................ 10
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                                                                                                           Plant City ..................................................... 11
         Scan this QR Code with your smart phone to find out   Amt. Encl.                                  Punta Gorda .................................................. 2
                     more about The Antique Shoppe.        ONE YR. $17.12___       2 YRS. $29.43___        Reddick ........................................................ 23
              Download a free QR app (search “QR Code”)                                                    San Antonio ................................................... 8
                                                           Mail with check to:
          Thank you for making “The Antique Shoppe”,       Antique Shoppe PO Box 2175, Keystone Hts, FL 32656  Sarasota ......................................................... 2
                                                                                                           Sebastian ..................................................... 30
        Florida’s  Best  Newspaper  for  Antiques  &  Collectibles!  The                                   St. Petersburg ......................................... 12-13
        only way our advertisers know our paper works for them is                                          Stuart ........................................................... 32
        by you telling them! If you enjoy this paper, please take the
        time to tell the shop owner you saw their ad in “The Antique                                       Tampa .......................................................9/48
        Shoppe.”                                                                                           Terra Ceia ....................................................... 5
                                                                                                           Titusville ...................................................7/31
            WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU...                                                                    Vero Beach ...............................................7/31
          Have  You  Moved?...  The  Antique  Shoppe  wants  to  go  with  you!                            Waldo .......................................................... 25
        Send your new address and a current mailing label to us. Received                                  Wildwood .................................................7/19
        damaged or missing issues... If you receive damaged or poor quality   Today in the town of David a Savior has been   Williston ...................................................... 23
        issues, or have any other delivery problems, please call or write us.  born to you; he is Christ the Lord.   Winter Haven .............................................. 15
          Experiencing Billing Problems or mistakes in your ad... we want to
        correct the problem immediately! Please call or write us and we’ll   This will be a sign to you; you will find a baby   Winter Park ............................................ 28-29
        take care of it.                                      wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.     Auctions & Shows ................................... 36-46
          Do you have something to share... if you have information about                                  Products & Services ..................................... 45
        stolen merchandise, new trends in the industry, respond to an article              — Luke 2:11-12  Classified ................................................45/47
        in our publication or would just like to sound-off, drop us a line today.
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