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December, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 3
        VAILLANCOURT                                    In 1985 Judi and Gary       Each Santa, after casting, is air      This “Father Christmas with
        Continued from Page 1                          quit their day jobs and    dried, hand-painted using oil            Girl” chalk ware Santa was
                                                                                                                            created in 1991 by Judi Vaillan-
           Judi sold her first hand-painted             formed Vaillancourt Folk   paints, and then given several            court and is valued at $800.
                                                         Art & Friends. They
                                                                                  coats of finish, producing a
        chalk ware Santa Claus figurine at               immediately converted    high quality antique patina.
        Marks’ Folk Art Show in Chicago.                   their Sutton, Mass.,   Novice collectors should
        Judi took only one chalk ware                      home’s basement        be aware that such
        Santa to the show and it sold for                   into a production     a finish causes                              proudly stamped, “Made in
        $25, but she was commissioned to                    studio and            variations in                                 America.”
        make 30 more chalk ware Santa                       warehouse and hired   pieces, making                                     Judi Vaillancourt
        Clauses, and her folk art hobby                    15 employees.          every Vaillancourt                                 helps keep the
        suddenly became big business.                       In 2007, the          Santa unique.                                      company’s “Made
                                                          Vaillancourts             Department                                       in America” image
                                                          shortened their         stores and                                           alive by designing
                                                          company name to         novelty shops                                        and creating
                                                             Vaillancourt Folk    throughout the                                       more than 100
                                                               Art when they      United States,                                       chalk ware Santa
                                                               relocated their    especially                                           Clauses every
                                                                business and      Christmas                                            year, giving
                                                               changed the        stores,                                              collectors a wide
                                                               company’s focus    commercially                                          range to choose
                                                            to original chalk     carry                                                 from. Along with
                                             ware ornaments and figurines.        Vaillancourt                                          her Christmas
                                               Vaillancourt Folk Art continues    Folk Art.                                            Santas, she creates
                                             today as a family owned business,    Lynn Haney                           whimsical Santas too, such as
                                             creating and selling hand-painted    and Byers’ Choice are two of the     Nantucket Santa and Easter Santa.
                                             chalk ware collectibles, including   specialty Christmas stores that have   An explanation of America’s love
                                             their now famous line of Santa Claus   partnered with Vaillancourt.       affair with Vaillancourt chalk ware
        ABOVE:Traditional                    chalk ware figurines. Judi casts her   Much of Vaillancourt’s success     Santas is found in the company’s
        appearing, Vaillancourt              Santa Clauses using a plaster-like   is attributed to the fact that it is one   “Gold Santa with Bells” figurine.
        “Father Christmas” figurine, signed by                                    of America’s last craft factories still
        Judy; valued at $1,500. RIGHT:  Vaillan-  (chalk ware) substance and part of                                   Standing over 10 inches tall, this
        court’s 17th Starlight Santa with box.    her personal 3,000+ collection of   designing by hand. Also, Americans,   figurine depicts Father Christmas
        This Santa figurine, created in 2006, is   antique confectionery (candy, ice   since 9/11, have eagerly sought   with a gold leaf coat and Nordic gray
        valued at $450.                      cream, and chocolate) molds.         crafts and other objects that are                   Continued on Page 5

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             MADDY'S ANTIQUES                                    Antique Association                                    Proprietors Dale & Sharon
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                       Vintage Sports                (Every 4th Sat 8am-3pm)             DAYS                         Arcadia, FL 34266
                                                             DEC 22                   (2ND SATURDAY)                     863-993-3000
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