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Page 2 The Antique Shoppe November, 2019
Find Your Favorite Gifts at Scott’s knowledge with you. In turn,
this can add a special flair to
your gift as you share your
The holiday season is upon us once again. It’s time to get your shopping lists newfound knowledge with the
out and head over to Scott Antique Markets to find unique gifts for everyone! receiver of the piece. They
Do you have a sister that’s hard to shop for, or a dad that has everything? What are sure to love not only the
about a grandpa that never gives you ideas? Look no further than Scott’s. gift, but also the story behind
At Scott Antique Markets, you can browse through hundreds, if not the piece and the knowledge
thousands, of booths full of special pieces that will delight everyone this year. that you went the extra mile to
Each vendor brings their own selection of antiques and decorative items that make their present special.
are sure to please even the pickiest of family members. Don’t forget something
When you walk through the doors at either the Columbus, Ohio or for yourself! Whether you’re
Atlanta, Georgia markets you are welcomed
by an unparalleled shopping experience. Scott
Antique Markets is truly a one stop shop for all
your holiday needs and will fit even the tightest
of budgets. Rows and rows of booths feature
furniture, sports memorabilia, military items, toys, hosting family and friends or just want your home
records, all types of art and much, much more. to look amazing for the holidays, Scott’s has all
You can find something for your brother’s comic the furniture and decorations you need to make
book collection in one row and a beautiful piece of your dream complete. You can get a custom made
jewelry for your mom in the next. table for your dinner events or vintage Christmas
Many of the vendors at the markets know ornaments to make your tree shine bright. A
University Pkwy 17
the history of their pieces and will share their 70 beautiful set of holiday throw pillows and a blanket
75 from the markets will make your
301 Lockwood Ridge Rd
MLK Hwy South West Florida Vintage Dealers living room a cozy and welcoming
Sarasota place for all your guests.
10th North Port - Port Charlotte - Nokomis
Fruitville Honore Ave
41 Tuttle Ave Vintage Finder’s
Warehouse “llc”
72 Dean & Diane Castellano Cherry Hill
Where Fun & Design Come Together
1075 Innovation Avenue 70 17
Unit 106 Antiques, Art, Vintage, Decorating Decor,
Famous Marc Art, New & Recycled
North Port, FL 34289
75 941-228-8112 2811 Tamiami Tr. Unit C
941-228-7804 Port Charlotte, FL 72
(Between Port Charlotte Blvd. & West Tarpon)
Osprey Priced to Sell 941-286-8617
& Dealer Friendly Fri. & Sat. 10-4 or Appt.
(We love appointments - one or a bunch - always fun)
41 See Our New Store
Exclusive Retailer (Same Mall - Different Store front Unit C)
Dixie Belle Paint New Store - New Look - New Products This year, take the guess work and the stress out of the holiday
Laurel Rd 1 Text or Email: 2 season. Visit your nearest Scott
Facebook: Marc Washicheck
Nokomis Antique Markets for their unmatched
3 selection, friendly vendors and
Venice Ave amazing prices.
Venice North Port
Center Rd River Rd 1 Toledo Blade 75 Check out these upcoming Scott
NOKOMIS Price Blvd Antique Markets:
100 Years Selling Antiques Columbus, OH - Nov. 30 - Dec. 1
41 North Port
3 Generations: Columbus, OH - December 21-22
Selling Antiques since 1920 Hillsborough Blvd Atlanta, GA - December 12-15
41 Port Charlotte
EUGENIE’S ANTIQUES Veterans Blvd Tamiami Trail Midway Blvd For more information, visit
104 Nippino Trail Olean Blvd
Nokomis, FL 34275
777 Edgewater Blvd Harbor View Rd
OPEN Wed-Sat 11-4 El Jobean Harbor Sibley Bay Dr 75 17
or by Appointment 776 2
McCall Rd 771 Taylor Carmalita Florida
904-484-1900 Punta
“I never met an antique
I didn’t like.”