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Page 6 The Antique Shoppe December, 2019
CHINA if it isn’t bone china, at least you’ve 2020 Miami International
Continued on Page 3 acquired something you’ll enjoy!
This Christmastime, why not set Map Fair
Holiday-themed bone china is your table entirely with holiday china MIAMI—Save the Date! March
generally produced on a limited in different patterns? Then, give your 13-15, 2020. The 27th Annual Miami
basis. A complete seasonal set own great-aunt a call, and invite her International Map Fair returns
might include just a teapot, over for “a cup of Christmas tea”. to HistoryMiami Museum. Come
creamer, sugar, and cups-and- Happy Holidays! experience the largest antique map
saucers for six or eight. Many China courtesy of Patty & Barney Deden. fair in the Americas.
collectors focus their sights on Photo Associate: Hank Kuhlmann The 2020 fair features world-
acquiring “singles”—a single cup- Donald-Brian Johnson is the co-author of numerous renowned speakers and the fines
books on design and collectibles, including “Postwar
and-saucer in a particular holiday Holly pattern on saucer and footed cup Pop”, a collection of his columns. dealers, exhibiting their exceptional
pattern, and as many different by Norcrest, Japan Please address inquiries (or Christmas greetings) to: antique maps, antiquarian books,
patterns and stylings as possible. globes and ephemera.
Prices for holiday bone china remain Once again the Miami International
affordable: in the $25 range for a cup- Map Fair will have close to 40 of
and-saucer “single”, up to $50 when a the most outstanding map dealers
tea or coffee pot is included. Even with around the world in one gallery. Daily
sugar, creamer, and other accessories Admission is $5 for museum members
added, the total rarely tops $100. and $15 for non-members. Single day
admission includes access to Dealer
Although bone china by major Marketplace, expert opinion and
manufacturers is usually clearly speaker presentations.
marked, the markings may have worn Tickets and detailed information
off on older pieces and imports. In are available on the HistoryMiami
these cases, translucence is a good website at
bone china indicator. Some collectors mapfair and additional information
also swear that bone china has its own is available on major social media
Oversize poinsettias by unique “ring” when a cup’s rim is “Tiffany Holiday”, a ribbon and nut outlets.
Saji Fancy China, Japan. (carefully) flicked. Does it work? Well, design by Tiffany & Co., New York.
Manatee Co. Antiques Dealers
Ellenton, Antique Mall
Palmetto & Just south of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge
on beautiful Terra Ceia Island
Terra Ceia Antiques & Collectibles Come visit our shop featuring furniture,
Tea Room & Gifts 35 Quality Dealers pottery, artwork, or that
941.417.2150 1415 10 St. W., Palmetto, FL one of a kind gift. (Hwy. 301 - I-75, Exit 224) 6441 U.S. Highway 19
Open Sat. & Sun. 10am-3pm OPEN 7 DAYS: M-S 10-5, Sun 12-5 P.O. Box 378
or by appointment Terra Ceia, FL 34250
905 Leffingwell Avenue 941-729-5282
Ellenton, FL 34222 2 3 Hours: Tue – Sat 10-5 5
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