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Page 8        The Antique Shoppe       December, 2019
                            WHAT’S IT WORTH ANTIQUES MINUTE                                                                                Museum of

                                                                               BY: Mike Ivankovich                                      Early US History
                                                                                                                                         Receives 2019
                WHAT IS JUNK SILVER                               As the spot price of silver goes up and down, the "times                 Best of St.
                                                                face value" factor changes as well. Junk Silver was selling                Augustine
           If you don't know what "Junk Silver" is, it could cost you   for "35-times-face-value" some years ago when the price              Award
        a lot of money. "Junk Silver" refers to 1964-and-earlier U.S.   of silver was considerably                       ST. AUGUSTINE— Museum of
        dimes, quarters, and half dollar coins whose value is based   higher. And remember  that                       Weapons/Early US History has been
        on the "Silver Bullion Value" each coin contains. Although   different dealers pay varying                     selected for the 2019 Best of St.
        most don't have any real "Numismatic" or collector value,   "times  face  value"  prices  so                   Augustine Award by the St. Augustine
        they do carry a premium value because each coin is 90%   shop your coins around.                               Award Program.
        pure silver.                                              WHAT'S    IT    WORTH?                                 Each year, the Program identifies
           It was President Lyndon Johnson who opted in 1965 to   Several  years ago  a family                         companies they believe have achieved
        replace 90% silver coins with copper-clad coins containing   inherited  four  coffee  cans                     exceptional marketing success in
                                                                                                                       their local community. These are local
        absolutely no silver. Pre-1965  silver  coins  quickly   filled  with  coins  and  were                        companies that enhance the positive
        disappeared from circulation, either being removed by the   going  to  deposit  them in                        image of small business through service
        government or hoarded by private speculators, and your   the bank  the next day for                            to their community. These exceptional
        chances of finding "Junk Silver" coins in circulation today   "Face  Value".  We  stepped                      companies help make the St. Augustine
        are slim-to-none.                                       in,  identified  the  junk  silver                     area a great place to live, work and play.
           Today "Junk Silver" is bought-and-sold using the concept   coins,  sold  them  on  behalf
        of "times face value". As the spot price of silver changes,   of the family, and presented                           Museum of Weapons
        the  "times  face  value"  changes  as  well.  With  silver  in   them with a check for more than $25,000.         & Early American History
        the  $17-$18/troy  ounce  range,  "10  times  face  value"  is                                                           81-C King Street
        a ballpark value. Meaning that a pre-1965 dime is worth   Mike Ivankovich is an Auctioneer, Appraiser, Home Downsizing Expert, and host   St. Augustine, FL 32084
        $1.00 and a pre-1965 quarter would be worth $2,50. At   of the "What's It Worth? Ask Mike the Appraiser" Radio Show that airs in the   904-829-3727
                                                                Philadelphia PA area on Friday mornings from 9-10 AM EST on WBCB 1490 AM
        the same time, a 1965 dime is only worth a dime, and a   and on the Internet at:    75               Open 9:30-5:00 daily
        1965 quarter is still only worth a quarter.             You can also visit:


                                    UNIVERSITY  PKWY.                                                                            2 Locations

                                                                                                                          NEW LOCATION on University Parkway
                                      DESOTO RD                                             HONORE

         US                      301                              LOCKWOOD RIDGE RD
         41                                                                                                                   Design Features With History
                                          DR. MLK JR. HWY                                                                           Salvage
                                                       TUTTLE AVE.
                                                                                                              I I            1093 Central Avenue
                                          17th ST                                                           75                   941-955-6699
                           1              12th ST                                                                          5265 University Parkway
                          10 ST
                                                                                                                                   9-5 Mon-Sat
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                                        RINGLING                                                                         Unique & Historic Building Elements, Home Accents,
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                                                S. Pineapple Avenue/Burns Court Merchants
                              m cormack                                                     Antique Clock Emporium

                                           & company                                            Largest selection of museum quality clocks,
                                                                                                          all Historically Certified

                                     Mid Century Modern Art & Decor
                                  US                                                                     508 S. Pineapple Ave
                                  41                                                                     Sarasota, FL 34236
                         500 S. Pineapple Ave.                                                             Near Burns Court Cinema
                       South Pineapple and Burns Court                                                       941-350-4522
                       Sarasota, Florida 34236                                                      SR 72
                                STICKNEY POINT RD                  BENEVA        McINTOSH RD                   Monday by Appt.
               Tue-Sat 11-5 • 2nd Friday Wine & Cheese ‘til 8              2                                 Tue.-Thu. & Sat. 10-5                    3
                                                                                                                 Friday 10-6


                                                                           BAY ST.

                                                                                   OLD VENICE RD.
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