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December, 2019   The Antique Shoppe   Page 5
                    “GLASS SEASON” RETURNS IN FLORIDA                                                        Would You Like To Be An
           The 2020  winter  schedule  for the Florida  Depression  Glass  Shows has  been   A  Asheford
        announced. Each show is independently sponsored by a local glass club or promoter   P  Institute of  Antique Appraiser or Dealer?
        and has different vendors.                                                 P                   Since 1966, The Asheford Institute of Antiques has been providing a Profit and
           The schedule kicks off with the 46th ANTIQUE GLASS & DEPRESSION GLASS SHOW    Antiques      Pleasure home study course that offers tremendous financial & personal rewards.
        & SALE will take place January 25-26, 2020 in at the Fraternal Order of Police Building   R           CERTIFIED APPRAISAL PROGRAM
        in Jacksonville. The show is sponsored by the Collectors of Depression Glass. Please   A  You Can:
        visit the club website: or their Facebook page for club   I  • Become a Certified Appraiser  For a FREE booklet mail coupon to:
        information.                                                                    • Start your own business from your home  INSTITUTE OF ANTIQUE
           The VINTAGE AMERICAN GLASS AND POTTERY SHOW & SALE takes place the same   S C  • Learn to sell & appraise online       981 Harbor Blvd., Ste. 3
        weekend, January 25-26, 2020. This year’s show will be held at a new location, Florida   A  • Choose the hours you wish to work  Dept. 275WQ165
                                                                                        • Become an “antique interior designer”
        Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, in Boca Raton. This is also the 46th Annual Show   O  • Complete a professional-level Course with a Diploma  Destin, FL 32541-2525
        & Sale presented by the South Florida Depression Glass Club. Show information can be   L  U   ASK HOW ... HERE!           or call: 1-877-444-4508
        found on their website at:                                    R   NAME  _______________________________________________________________
           The schedule concludes  with the  CLEARWATER  ELEGANT &  DEPRESSION  GLASS    ADDRESS  ___________________________________________________________
        SHOW AND SALE to be held February 8-9, 2020 at Morningside Recreation Complex,   S  CITY  ______________________STATE ______________ ZIP __________________
        2400  Harn  Blvd.  in  Clearwater.  This  is  a  new  venue  for  a  show  sponsored  by  the   E
        Clearwater Depression Glass Club.  For information visit call 860-614-7133.

                                              Classic Furniture & Consignment        Area’s LARGEST Mall
                                                    Antiques & Collectibles          20,000 Sq. Ft.    150 Dealers
                                                   “Everything Comes with a Story”          HUGE VARIETY
                                                              Authorized Dealer of          GANNON’S                        Antiques & Collectibles
                                                                 Sid Dickens
                                                                Memory Blocks            Antiques & Art                       Estate Liquidations

                                                        Vintage Peddler              16521 S. TAMIAMI TRAIL (US41)               Specializing In-
                                                                                                                                   Art Pottery
                                                                                             (239) 489-2211
                                                                                               Nautical Antiques
                                                                   MON-FRI 10-5                                                50’s Modern Decor
                                                                      SAT 10-4
                                                                                                                                 Always Buying

                                                  16050 S. Tamiami Trail, #101                                               17851 Pine Ridge Rd. #1
                                                      Ft. Myers, FL 33908   1                                   2            Ft. Myers Bch, FL 33931  3
             Ft. Myers

              & BONITA SPGS.

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