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December, 2019   The Antique Shoppe   Page 3

        Continued on Page 1
        Accompanying the story: Warren
        Hanson’s illustrations, including                                                     The holidays are a great time to celebrate
        several of Great-aunt’s holly-                                                    together and most importantly extend our thanks
        bedecked china tea set.
           Christmas Tea sets soon filled                                                 for your loyalty to our company over the past year
        store shelves, complete with mini                                                     and hope we can continue to work with you
        editions of the book that inspired
        them. The tea leaves had spoken.                                                                   in the coming year.
        By the dawn of the twenty-
        first century, it “just wouldn’t                                                      It is being associated with people like you
        be Christmas” without new or
        vintage holiday bone china.             A Victorian-style collage from                who make our jobs a pleasure and keep our
           Bone china was the 1748               Victorian Trading Company.                              products successful.
        brainchild of London porcelain-
        maker Thomas Frye. To create                                                         May your Holiday Season be filled with much
        his “fine porcelain”, Frye added
        bone ash to a china clay formula.                                                            Joy, Happiness and Success.
        Animal bones were crushed,
        reduced to ash at high heat,                                                      We look forward to working with you in the coming
        and mixed into the clay. The
        result: finished china of superior                                                     year and hope our relationship continues
        translucency and whiteness.                                                                     for many years to come.
        However, despite favorable
        comparisons with imports from                                                                      Merry Christmas,
        the Continent, Frye’s bone
        china never really caught on.                                                              The Staff of The Antique Shoppe
        That had to wait for refinements   Cup, saucer, and teapot released in 1982, to
        incorporated by one of the best-  capitalize on the Tom Hegg/Warren Hanson holiday
                                         hit, A Cup of Christmas Tea. A mini-edition of the
        known names in pottery, England’s   book was also included. Marked “Taiwan”.
        Josiah Spode.
           In the early 1790s, Spode developed
        what remains the standard for bone
        china: a combo comprised of roughly        Visit Historic Downtown                                      MADDY'S ANTIQUES
        25 percent kaolin (china clay), 25
        percent china stone, and 50 percent         ARCADIA                                                           121 W. Oak St.
        bone ash. While objects with a lesser                                                                            863-494-2500
        percentage of bone ash are sometimes
        marketed as “bone china”, true English        Voted Best Antiquing Town in Florida                               Specializing in:
        bone china must include at least 50                 by Florida Monthly Magazine
        percent bone ash.                                                                                               Country, Primitives,
           The greater the percentage of              “Come Spend the Day With US”                                        Vintage Sports
        bone ash, the greater bone china’s
        translucence. Hold a finely made bone                                                                     Thur. & Fri. 12-4, Sat. 10-4 or by appt.
        china cup up the light, and the outline                                                                          View our store at:
        of your fingers will be clearly visible.                      MONROE   ST                                 1
        The ivory sheerness of bone china’s            ORANGE   AVE           OAK STREET    POLK  AVE    DESOTO   AVE
        coloration separates it from the blue-                             !                                      ANTIQUE ASSOCIATION
        grayishness of untreated porcelain.
           Early English bone china production                                                                             MEMBERS
        was centered in Stoke-on-Trent, the        Antique Association of Arcadia                                    Bizarre Bazaar - 863-456-5608
        locale of Spode. Major manufacturers                                                                      Corey’s Antiques - 863-494-5959
        over the years have included Royal                                    Maddy’s Antiques - 863-494-2500
        Doulton, Wedgwood, Worcester, Royal                                                                      Yellow Brick Road - 863-993-3000
        Crown Derby, and, in the United
        States, Lenox.                             MONTHLY ANTIQUE FAIR
           Thanks to its status as a seasonal
        novelty, Christmas-themed bone china
        has plenty of visual leeway. There are                 4TH SATURDAY 8am-3pm
        sleighing scenes. . . arrays of flickering
        candles. . .rustic “Santas”. . . plus, of                    DEC 28
        course, the big three: Christmas trees
        (forests of them). . .bough after bough                      JAN 25 • FEB 22
        of sprightly holly. . .and a greenhouse-
        full of poinsettias.                                    Booth Info 863-993-5105

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