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                               JUNE 2018 • Volume 31 No. 10                                               TAKE ONE

                                    Pipe Tampers Are “Manly” Collectibles

        By Larry LeMasters
        LeMasters’ Antique News Service

           Pipe tampers, known as pipe stoppers in England,                                               A pipe tamper is a blunt instrument, shaped like a
        are used to pack or “tamper” tobacco in a pipe.  Some                                          nail  top  or  wooden  dowel  end,  with  a  flat  head  used
        pipe tampers come  as part of a pipe tool, which is                                            for tamping down tobacco when a pipe bowl is being
        designed to aid in the packing, smoking, emptying,                                             packed. Normally, tobacco is  compressed in a pipe’s
        and  cleaning  of  tobacco  pipes.    Typical  pipe  tools                                     bowl, using a tamper, three times in the successful filling
        consist of a pick, a reamer, and a tamper.                                                     of a pipe.  A pipe tamper also crushes the tobacco ash
                                                                                                       tightly together, which aids in relighting the pipe.
                                                                                                         An ingenious, pipe smoker in England, who was tired
                                                                                                       of having his pipe improperly tamped,
                                                                                  invented pipe tampers, according to historical myths, around
                                                                                  1660 CE.  The production of pipe tampers took off during the
                                                                                  English Industrial Revolution that began in the early 1800s when
                                                                                  new mechanization  allowed manufacturers  to mass produce pipe
                                                                                    Tampers are made from almost every material  known to man,
                                                                                  including pewter, brass, animal teeth, porcelain, ivory, mother-of-pearl,
                                                                                  and silver.  And pipe tampers come in a cornucopia of motifs,
            Oviedo Antique Mall Summer Extravaganza June 1-2-3-4                  including women’s legs, donkeys, shoes, animals, and
           During the 4 day extravaganza, all 110 dealer booths will be offering fabulous   phallic symbols, giving collectors hundreds of different
         sale pricing - up to 50% off storewide. There will also be a complimentary hot &   designs and material choices to choose from.
         cold buffet available all 4 days. During the Friday thru Monday sale each customer   You  might  wonder  why smokers  pay  so much  for
         purchasing $30 or more receives a free gift.                             a pipe tamper and why collectors pay even more for
           The 12,500 square foot mall is loaded with an ever-changing array of all your   antique ones that simply sit in a collection.  The answer is
         favorite  antique,  vintage,  and  contemporary  decor.  Offered    are  coins  &  paper   simple—pipe smokers consider a pipe a “manly” pastime
         money,  gold,  silver  &  costume  jewelry,                              where the ritual of smoking is as important as the act of
         furniture, primitives, linens, Lladro, Baccarat,                         smoking.  And the ritual involves taking care of your pipes
         China  &  Crystal,  Lenox,  military  collectibles,   OVIEDO ANTIQUE MALL  with a quality pipe tool and a solid, sometimes beautiful,
         Fiestaware, art work, advertising collectibles,   95 Geneva Drive
         antiquarian  books,  Kitchenalia,  LP  albums,   Oviedo, FL 32765        tamper.
         Longaberger  baskets,  Disney  collectibles,   407-366-3668                Reproduction pipe tampers, especially  in pewter, have
         antique toys and so much more!                                           flooded the secondary markets in recent years. Let the buyer
           Stroll  through  Oviedo  Antique  Mall  while   Open 7 Days a Week     beware!
         listening to 1950’s hit music. On site watch &   Mon-Sat 10am-7pm        Shown Above: Black buffalo horn with dinosaur shark tooth pipe tamper.
         clock repair by 40 year veteran watchmaker, as   & Sunday 12-6pm
         well as complete on site antique and modern  Made by ZAPTAP, this new tamper is valued at $1,100.
         camera  repair  service.  We  stock  Greenwich                           Right: Antique, sterling silver pipe tamper with natural bird of  prey talon,
         Bay Shea Butter Soaps & Lotions.                                         circa 1740.  This stunning tamper is valued at $650.  More Tampers on Page 3

                                              Florida’s Largest Monthly Antique Event!

                                                       300                     South Florida Fairgrounds                     JUNE
                                                                                    9067 Southern Blvd.
                                                VENDORS                         West Palm Beach, FL 33411                      1-3

                                                  EARLY BUYERS:  “1st Pick” Friday 9AM-12PM • Admission $25 - Good All 3 Days • GEN. ADMISSION: FRI 12-5PM, SAT 9AM-5PM, SUN 10AM-4:30PM • Admission $8
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