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Page 2 The Antique Shoppe June, 2018
I have a question about the “centerpiece” which looks like a pea with waves
Questions & Q. or leaves around it. That is placed in the center of the Chippendale highboy
circa 1950, which is a reproduction of the 1700 style. Could you tell me what it is or
Common Sense Answers what it means? I’ve just bought one and am quite confused as to why it’s even on
the piece. Thank you so much.
There were a number of purely decorative motifs used in Chippendale
A. styling. Most frequently seen is the readily identifiable shell, a low relief
with Fred Taylor carving resembling half a sea shell, and the fan, a geometric array around a central
core, resembling a hand-held fan of the 18th century. The shell was a holdover
from French Rococo. The word “Rococo” itself is a combination of “rocailles” (rocks)
and “coquilles” (shells). The fan was a fashionable 18th century symbol of wealth.
I am considering purchasing a mahogany bedroom set from the 40’s or 50’s. It sounds like you have the less often seen swirl, also called a whorl, which, like
Q. It is in virtually mint condition. I am told it is American built due to the style the fan, has a central core, but the rays look like they are in motion. This is just
(very ornate). It does not have a manufacturers stamp or date. How can I tell if it is a variation of the fan. Most Chippendale period motifs like this were low relief,
really from 1940 and not a replicate? Did a lot of furniture of this period not have three dimensional carvings. In later eras, especially Federal, the carving became
burned in manufacturer’s details? It is a double bed, very tall high boy, long dresser inlays with some of the same patterns. These inlays are called patera. All of these
65” with a separate mirror and 2 night tables that are enclosed with a drawer and emblems are purely decorative and have little meaning other than just style.
door. They are asking $3,800. Sorry I do not have a picture. —Cheryl Good question. Thanks for writing.
Cheryl - The ornate style is absolutely no indication of American manufacture.
A. Many styles, ornate and otherwise, were made in the US during the time
period you mention. It is also quite common for there to be no manufacturer’s mark I would appreciate any info on this desk - age, value, etc. It has original
although it is more likely in non-US pieces than in US articles. There are a number Q. handles but has no maker’s name. It has been in my family for several
of reasons why the marks are not there. Some pieces were specially made for a generations. I have attached pictures.
department store to sell under its label. At other times the manufacturer may not Thank you very much for your time. —Carol W.
have been proud of the construction or design. Carol - Your kneehole desk is from the first half of the 20th century based
The absolute best way to determine the age (and possibly the origin) of the set A. on the machine-made joinery in the drawers. The top is book matched
is to remove the back of the mirror. If the mirror is American it will have a date stump cut walnut. The drawers are each book matched walnut also. The overall style
of manufacture printed on the reverse of the glass itself in darker gray than the is called “Colonial Revival”, the movement that began late in the 19th century of
background. All 20th century American plate mirror incorporated into a frame or incorporating stylistic elements from our Colonial past into modern furniture. While
into a piece of furniture has a date - by law. This will not be true if the mirror glass the drawer pulls may in fact be original, they are very much out of character for the
has been replaced and it may or may not be true if the set was not made in the US. piece. You would expect to see either single knobs or Chippendale pulls to go with
On the other hand, it could be a Canadian set, but the mirror was made in the US the shortened cabriole legs and the ball and claw feet. The scalloped edge on the top
and shipped to Canada. is an unusual touch. It duplicates the ripple molding first seen in the mid 19th century
If you could get some photos it would be easy for me to determine the authenticity in Empire furniture and is used occasionally as decoration in the 20th century. Your
of the set. In the meantime, be aware that $3,800 is a very high sum for a bedroom desk was probably manufactured in the late 1930s or 1940s and would sell at auction
set from the 1940s. I have seen few of that caliber in over 30 years in the business. for around $500. Thanks for writing and thanks for the good photographs.
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This walnut veneered desk was probably made in the available directly from
Exclusive Retailer 1930s. The overall style would seem to indicate that it the website,
Dixie Belle Paint was intended for use as a lady’s writing desk.