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                                                                                                              June, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 5
            G’s Vintage Market                 RE-OPENS AFTER RENOVATIONS                                         Mention the
                                                   MARKET AT LEFT BANK
          Celebrates Anniversary               St. Petersburg— The Antique Mall                      Antique Shoppe Newspaper
           Lake Wales—  G’s Vintage Market is   formerly known as Patty and Friends   UNIVERSITY  PKWY.
        celebrating their 1st Anniversary with  a   Antique Village Mall has undergone  US  DESOTO RD.       to our advertisers,
        Sale & Celebration on Friday, June 1st and   recent renovations and reopened with a   .  301  TUTTLE AVE.  LOCKWOOD RIDGE RD  they make it FREE for you!
        Saturday, June 2nd from 11 a.m. thru 5   celebration on May 23 as MARKET AT
        p.m. each day.                       LEFT BANK. Festivities included light   DR. MLK JR. HWY                            -Thanks
           G’s  vendors  love  rescuing  and   bite tastings and cocktail samples from   CENTRAL  WASHINGTON  17th ST  75
                                                                                                                      I I
                                             the new Left Bank Bistro menu.
        preserving  treasures  from  the  past   Bringing new life to the St. Petersburg   LIME  12th ST
        and  then  finding  a  good  home  for   landmark the Market is updated but   LEMON  FRUITVILLE RD.   SR 780
        them!  Maybe  your  home!?  G’s  Vintage   remains eclectic with their mix of gift   RINGLING BLVD  OSPREY (S. Sarasota)
        Market  specializes  in  vintage,  antiques,   items, textiles, cards, soaps, candles,   BAHIA VISTA
        collectibles, repurposed and more. Visit   original art, pottery, books, frames, and                                  8,500 sq.ft.               30 Dealers
        them in downtown Lake Wales at 113 E.   local artisans’ wares along with antiques   TAMIAMI TRAIL         CATTLEMAN
        Park Avenue. They are open Tuesday thru   and uniques.                              BEE RIDGE RD.
        Saturday.  Plan  to  stop  by  to  celebrate   Market at Left Bank is located at 1241               SR 758
        with  them.  For  additional  information   Dr. MLK Jr. St. N.,St. Petersburg, 727-  US
        call (863) 589-5054.                 822-2106.                                                                         113 TAMIAMI TRAIL
                                                                                                                                  OSPREY, FL
                                                                                                                         1 block S. of Spanish Point    941-966-9800
                                                                                           SWIFT RD.
                                                                                                                 SR 72
                         SNIFF OUT HIDDEN DEALS ON e BAY                           STICKNEY POINT RD  BENEVA             “Uniques for Every Taste & Personality”
                                                      TAMIAMI          McINTOSH RD                   HONOR DAD
           Often, sellers misspell product names in their listings and they won’t show up on a                      I              with a Unique Antique
        normal eBay search.                                                                 TRAIL                  75               from SAVANTIQUES!
           Fortunately, great deals could be just a spelling error away. This site, TypoHound,
                                                                                                                          Period Furniture • Vintage Chandeliers & Lighting
        allows you to enter the correct name of a product and it generates a list of common                             Wicker & Rattan • Clocks • Mirrors • Fine Art • Bronzes
        spelling errors for that product name. You might just find some excellent hidden deals.                         Art Deco • Arts & Crafts • Fine Crystal & China • Quits
                                                                                                                          Linens • Pottery • Art Glass • Books • Postcards
           Example: We put the word battery. We got 74 different variations and misspellings                                 Jewelry • Bakelite • Toys & Much More!
                                                                                                                                Monday - Saturday 10-5
        incluing: batary, battry, battay, battar, abttary, btatary, batatry, battray, battayr, bbattary.  1  BAY ST.      “Look for the orange & green BuiLdings” 1
                            Manatee Co. Antiques Dealers
                                                                                                         OLD VENICE RD.

                                      Ellenton, Palmetto & Terra Ceia

                                                                       Dealer Friendly!
                                                                     Emiline’s                               FEED STORE

                                                                               Antique Mall
                                                                                                              ANTIQUE MALL
                                                                                  9000 sq. ft.
                                                                                Air-Conditioned              antiques & collectibles
                                                                                   Showroom                    4407 Hwy 301
                                Antiques & Collectibles                             M-S 10-5                Ellenton, FL 34222
                                                                                                             Exit 224, 1 Mile W of I-75
                                                                                   Sun 12-5
                                   Tea Room & Gifts                          50 Quality Dealers              (941) 729-1379
                                    941.417.2150                                                               Mon. thru Sat. 10 - 5
                            19 YEARS in the Same Location
                                Open Sat. & Sun. 10am-3pm         1250 10th St. E. (Hwy. 301)                      Sun. 12 - 5
                                    or by appointment                                                         50 Quality Dealers
                                905 Leffingwell Avenue           Palmetto, FL • 941-729-5282
                                  Ellenton, FL 34222    2             I-75, Exit 224 then 3 mi. West  3                              4


                                                          Antique Mall                                                5
                                                          Antiques • Collectibles • Fine Gifts

                  941-729-9500                     3411 US Hwy 301 N.
           Just south of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge  Ellenton, FL 34222
               on beautiful Terra Ceia Island        (2 miles West of I-75, Exit 224)
         Come visit our shop featuring furniture,   Mon.-Sat. 10-5 • Sun. 12-5                                                 3
               pottery, artwork, or that            941-722-5255                                                                 6 2   4
                  one of a kind gift.
                                                           Readers Preference Award
                6441 U.S. Highway 19                             #1 Antique Mall
                    P.O. Box 378                                2006-2015
                                                            Nominee Manatee Co.
                 Terra Ceia, FL 34250                      Small Business of the Year
              Hours:  Tue – Sat  10-5  5       We carry Howard Woodcare Products  6
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10