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June, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 3
        Pipe Tampers                                 ←Rare, 18th century,

                                                     porcelain leg-shaped pipe
        Continued from Page 1                        tamper.  Made in Germany
                                                     by Meissen, this tamper is
                                                     valued at $1,500.

                                                       Unusual, hand
                                                      carved seal ivory
                                                       pipe tamper.
                                                     carved by a sailor
                                                        at sea, this
                                                      “fisted” tamper
                                                     is valued at $500.

                                                                                     WE LOVE HEARING

                                                                                          FROM YOU!
                                        Rare, early 18th century                                                                What Do
                                        bronze pipe tamper                           Do you  have  something  to share...  if you
                                        with a “Romanesque”                        have  information  about  stolen  merchandise,   You Think?
                                        designed lady motif.                       new  trends  in  the  industry,  respond  to  an
                                                                                   article in our publication or would just like to
                                        This smoking “lady” is                     sound-off, drop us a line today.
                                        valued at $275.→                             The  Staff  at  The  Antique  Shoppe  loves
                                                                                   hearing feedback from readers and advertisers
                                       ←Extremely rare,                            alike.  Tell  us  what  you  wish  to  see,  what
                                                                                   features  you  enjoy.  How  can  we  make  your
                                       George III pipe tamper                      Antique  Shoppe  experience  better?  How  can   Drop us a Note or an email
                                       depicting greyhound                         we improve our website?
                                       killing a rabbit.  Made of                                                          The Antique Shoppe
                                       carved fruitwood, this                                                                    PO Box 2175
                                       beautiful tamper was                                                               Keystone Heights, FL 32656
                                       made around 1790.                                                       

                                                                Visit Historic Downtown


                                      Members                                                                                      Voted
                                                                                                                               “Best Antiquing
                                                                  “Come Spend the Day With US”                                 Town in Florida”
                                                                 20 ANTIQUE SHOPS IN 3 BLOCKS                                 By Florida Monthly
            Bizarre Bazaar ........................863-456-5608                                                                  Magazine
            Miss Pearl’s Place ...................863-494-0232
            Corey’s Antiques ...................863-494-5959                    MONROE   ST  @
            Maddy’s Antiques ..................863-494-2500      ORANGE   AVE           OAK STREET    POLK    AVE  DESOTO   AVE
            Yellow Brick Road ..................863-993-3000

                                                     Antique Association                                                Proprietors Dale & Sharon
             MADDY'S ANTIQUES                                                                                            NOW OPEN IN OUR
                  121 W. Oak St.                             of Arcadia                                              NEW - LARGER LOCATION!

                     863-494-2500                                             YELLOW BRICK ROAD
                      Specializing in:                                                                                Antiques & Collectibles
                    Country, Primitives,               ANTIQUE FAIR                                                   120 W. Oak Street
                       Vintage Sports                (Every 4th Sat 8am-3pm)                                          Arcadia, FL 34266
                                                            JUNE 23
                                                                                         2ND SATURDAY                    863-993-3000
               Thur. & Fri. 12-4, Sat. 10-4 or by appt.  JULY 28 • AUG 25                BARGAIN DAYS
                      View our store at:             Booth Info 863-993-5105                June 9               ALWAYS BUYING
                   1                                                                 One Piece or Entire Estate        2
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8