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June, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 11
          MUSEUMS RECOGNIZED AS ECONOMIC WINFALLS                                 here and ducking in and                                Mlle Dembowska,
                                                                                                                                          ←Edgar Degas,
               St. Augustine’s Lightner Museum is Among Them                      out  of  museums.  Also,                                 ca. 1858-59
                                                                                  at  least  15  times  a  day
        Submitted by Angela de Gregory                                            someone asks me if I can                             The   Museum    is
                                                                                  recommend a spot for a                             working  on  developing
           The  American Alliance  of Museums   We do not have to travel the country   quick lunch or a coffee.
        recently released a study discussing  the   to  see  the  impact  that  museums  have.   Upwards   of   850                  an  extensive  exhibition
        impact of museums in communities and   Luckily, St. Augustine is a city filled with   million   people   visit               upcoming  year,  and
        the entire United States economy.    museums  and  culture,  and  within  the   museums  in  the  United                     we  will share more
        Museums as Economic Engines:         past year  the Lightner Museum has   States  each  year,  and                           information  as  soon  as
        A National Study                     experienced  and  contributed  to  this   that number  is rapidly                       we can. Come and see
           Museum Hack broke this study down   impact more than ever.             growing.  The  Lightner
        for us in the simplest of terms: museums   When the Lightner opened  Dressing   Museum is thrilled to be                     us at Lightner Museum
                                                                                                                                     soon.  You  can  feel
        generate  Gross  Domestic  Product,   Downton:   Changing   Fashion   for   an impactful part of the                         good about visiting the
        museums  create  jobs,  and  museums   Changing  Times™  in  October  2017,  it   community, and we will                     Lightner,  because  you
        contribute taxes.                    was the largest exhibit the museum had   only continue to grow.                         will  be  supporting  the
           Museums  are  not  only  culturally   hosted to date. The museum knew that   Next   Spring   the
        necessary but they are, “essential to the   there  would  be  a  positive  community   Lightner Museum will                  amazing  St.  Augustine
        national economy of the United States.”  impact  from  the  exhibit.  People  were   be  bringing  a  traveling
           •Museums  contributed  about  $50   visiting  from  out  of  town,  staying  in   exhibition   to   St.
        billion dollars to the US GDP        hotels,  shopping  in  local  stores  and   Augustine!  Edgar Degas: The  Private   PLAN YOUR NEXT MUSEUM VISIT
           •$12 billion dollars in tax revenue  eating  in  restaurants  just  so  they  could   Impressionist,  Works on  Paper by the   For a comprehensive listing of more
           •726,000 jobs in 2016             see the exhibition. We are elated that so   Artist and His Circle will open on April 12,   than 400 Florida Museum locations visit:
           •372,100  of  the  jobs  created  by   many businesses were able to piggyback   2019 and run for twelve weeks.
        museums in 2016 were directly through   off of Dressing Downton™.           The  exhibition  was  organized  by   The list includes in-depth information on
        museums, while the remaining jobs were   On  your  average  day  however,  St.   Landau Traveling Exhibitions, Los Angeles,   their collections, exhibits, programs, etc.
        created by outside businesses that work   Augustine is slammed with tourists and   CA  in  association  with  Deneberg  Fine   with new information being added and
        with a museum in some capacity.      locals looking to learn about the history   Arts, West Hollywood, CA.              updated constantly.

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                                                                            1                                                        Sun 12-5        6
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