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Page 14          The Antique Shoppe            June, 2018
                                                              Celebrity Guitar Picks

                                         MAKE COLLECTORS “PICK” GROUPIES

        By Larry LeMasters

        LeMasters’ Antique News Service
           A plectrum, commonly known as a pick, is a small flat tool used to pluck   It has been said “the ultimate goal of all research is truth.” Bouchard believes
        or strum a guitar. Typically, a pick is a thin piece of plastic (sometimes metal,   that “knowing what the retail price of a guitar pick is, before you bid on it, is
        celluloid, or turtle shell) that is shaped like a pointed teardrop or equilateral   a useful tool when it comes time to place a bid.” Keep in mind, though, that
        triangle.                                                                 price guides and past auctions are only benchmarks that help determine a pick’s
           Guitarists  use  plastic  plectra  because  steel  strings  tend  to  wear  down  or   possible worth.
        splinter fingernails quickly.  The use of plectra also provides a more focused   Checking the seller’s feedback is another form of research. Has the seller
        and aggressive sound, allowing for more vibrant and pure notes.           received any negative feedback?  If so, you may want to show caution before
           Famous guitarists, like Eric Clapton, have guitar picks made especially for   entering              into a purchase with a questionable seller.
        them. These specially made picks have the guitarist’s signature, name, or logo                                And  never,  ever,  for  any  reason,  get
        embedded into the pick. And these signature picks are highly collectible.                                      into a bidding war. Whether you bid
           Famous musicians often purchase bags of picks, 1,000 picks, before starting                                  early  or  late  in  an  auction,  never
        a concert tour. These picks are used and then left on stage or simply handed out                                 exceed  what  you  have  already
        to dedicated fans. For some artists, the first bag of picks is the only bag they ever                            established as your “highest bid.” If
        buy, making their picks exceedingly rare.                                                                        someone else wants to bid more, let
           Collectors often pick up picks that have been discarded on                                                   them have it. The only people who
        stage.                                                                                                          benefit in a buyer war are the sellers
           Alex  Golota,  world  renown  for  his  guitar  pick                       ②                                and the auction house. As Bouchard

        collection, has over 700 picks from some of music’s                                                ①          wisely states, “With some exceptions,

        greatest guitarists. Golota worked as a light technician                                                    you will usually see the same exact style
        for years, so he had easy access to stages. In 1986, he                                                    of guitar pick on auction again soon.”
        simply picked up a Pat Travers pick off of the stage,                                                         If  you  scrounge  flea  markets  and
        and he has been collecting picks ever since.                                                                  garage  sales,  you  will  find  some
           Many collectors buy picks from eBay                                        ④                                guitar picks worth collecting. Estate
        or other electronic auction sites.                                                                             sales can be gold mines if you select
        If you are going to build your                                                                                 sales where guitars and other string
        collection of picks by buying                                     ③                                            instruments  are  for  sale.  I’ve  seen
        them  off  eBay,  bring  a  thick                                                                              highly  collectible  guitar  picks  piled
        checkbook. Not too long ago,                                                                                  up in ashtrays at estate sales, selling
        a Johnny Cash guitar pick was                                                                                for $1 each because no one knew their
        offered on eBay for $1,000.  A                                                                              value.
        pick  owned  by  Jimi  Hendrix                                                                              ⑥   One sure way to get more guitar picks
        may  be  the  “Holy  Grail”  of                                                                                for your collection at a lower price is
        guitar  picks.   A  Hendrix  pick  is            ⑤                                                              to become members on as many web
        rare, highly desired, and might cost                                                                            sites as you can. Open a Facebook
        a true arm and leg to own.                                                                                      account  and  “friend”  everyone.
           Brian  Bouchard,  Guitar  Picks                                                                              Then start writing blogs for your
        of Rock & Roll, warns “Beware of                                                                               Facebook account, mentioning your
        Crooks!” According to Bouchard, it is easy                                                                     love  for  and  desire  to  have  more
        for  online  sellers  to cheat  buyers.  Crooks                                                               authentic rock n roll guitar picks.  Soon
        and low-life sellers use online                                                                              you will be known on Facebook as the
        auctions  to  offer  fakes                                                                                 “Guitar  Pick  King,”  and  the  offers  will
        or to cheat bidders by                    ⑦                                                               come rolling in.
        offering  purposely-                                                                            ⑧          Finally, if you have ever said you would
        misleading                                                                                             never  be  a  rock  n  roll  groupie,  be  warned.
        descriptions.                                                                                        Collecting guitar plectra turns any collector into
        “There  are  also                                                                                   a pick groupie!
        those sellers who                                                                                           SHOWN:
        label     practically                     ⑨                                                               ① From the 2011 Country Throwdown, this Willie
        every  one  of  their                                                                                            Nelson pick is valued at $350.
        picks   RARE.     The                                                                                   ② This Ricky Nelson Stone Canyon Band guitar pick
        percentage   of   guitar                                                                                       was used by the band in a 1970s tour and is valued
        picks that are truly rare is                                                                                   at $1,600.
                                                                                                                ③ A Gene Simmons, his signature is on reverse side, pick, from

        very  small.”    Worst  of  all,                                                                                                         the L.A. Forum in 1977, that is valued at $1,500.
        Bouchard noted, “sellers bid up                                                                                      ④ George Harrison, signed on back, guitar pick, used during
        their own auctions to drive up bids.                                                              his solo years; $1,000.
        This is called shilling and it is against most                                                               ⑤ Prince used this pick at the Glam Slam Club in L.A. in the 1990s,
        auction policies.”                                                                                                  and it is valued at $1,000.
           Since authentic guitar picks from famous                               ⑥ Black Sabbath guitar pick from 1970s that is valued at $600.
        artists cost $1,000 or more, when buying guitar                           ⑦This Eddie Van Halen guitar pick from his 1978 tour is valued at $2,250.
        picks  on  eBay,  Bouchard  suggests  would-be                            ⑧ From his 1992 World Tour, this Bob Dylan guitar pick is valued at $800
        buyers research before you bid, check the seller’s
        feedback, and don’t go to war.                                            ⑨A Mr. Potato Head guitar pick used by Mike McCready, Pearl Jam, is valued at $750.
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