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June, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 19
        By the Middle Ages dinner time had graduated to the great room where
        boards laid on trestles acted like dining tables until they were cleared                SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
        away to make room for entertainment. By the sixteenth century a more or     ...and get 12 issues, ONE FULL YEAR,
        less solid table came into use in Europe based on tables used originally       send to your home or business
        in Italian refectories, the dining halls of monasteries, that featured the           For ONLY $17.12!
        old plank top but this time it was permanently attached to a strong base                                         Please start my one year subscription
        that had legs at each corner and rails below to provide stability. The early   Name  ______________________________  (12 issues) to: The Antique Shoppe
        models used in monasteries could be built long enough to seat as many       Address  ____________________________  beginning with your next issue.
        monks as was required. The idea of the refectory table, or the stretcher      ________________________________________________________________________
        table as it was sometimes called, was adopted for private family dining     City ____________________________ ST  ___________  Zip  _____________________
        simply by a reduction in scale. That was a grand idea until somebody        Contact (Phone or email) _________________________________________________
        dropped by for dinner.                                                      Credit Card Number Exp.  ________________________________________________
                                                                                          Please include check Payable to Antique Shoppe or provide credit card information
            It wasn’t long before somebody in Elizabethan England of the late                      Mail to: Antique Shoppe, Attn: Subscriptions
        1500s came up with the idea of making the table expandable  using                             PO Box 2175, Keystone Hts, FL 32656
        additional planks for the top. The planks, called leaves, were stored under
        the main top surface of the table, sliding in between the top and the frame
        of the base. They could then be drawn out to expand the table top. Thus,       I-95  LPGA Blvd                          New
        was born the first extension table, the draw leaf table or simply the draw      265           Mason Ave  Daytona
                                                                                                    Int’l Speedway Blvd
        table. That style table has been in continuous production since that time.            Dunn Ave  483  RidgewoodAve  Peninsula
                                                                                                            N Beach St
            The  draw table  was the  last word in  extension  tables  for nearly  a        261   400   Beville Rd          Smyrna
        century  until  a  new idea  of using the  leaves  came  around.  Instead  of         260 132  Clyde Morris  US1  A1A
        sliding the leaves under the original top the new idea hung the leaves                                 421            Beach
        on hinges at each side of the table. When they were not needed for the                           256              S Atlantic Ave
        top surface they could be lowered or dropped down out of the way. That                                        5
                                                         Int’l Speedway Blvd
        solved one problem but presented others.” The most obvious of those was                                         US1
        how to support the leaves when they needed to be up. The other was to                                             Ridgewood Ave  Peninsula  New Smyrna
                                              92 600
                                            92                                                 Pioneer Trail                         Flagler  Beach
        accomplish that and still leave room for the legs - the diner’s legs.  44                              I-95             1 NorthCswy  44
                                              New York Ave
                                            600                                                                  249  44     Canal    2    Edgewater
            Early seventeenth century examples of drop leaf tables solved the                                                  10th St  Riverside Dr  A1A
        support problem using gate legs, legs that swung out from the main table                                                W Park Ave
        structure using an open gate-like frame to stabilize a mobile leg mounted                                                Indian River Blvd
        on hinges to the table frame to support the leaf. That meant that whoever                                              442
        sat at that position at the table had to straddle the leg. And like the draw      NSB ANTIQUE MALL
        table, that was that for about another century until American (or at least
        Colonial) ingenuity stepped up to the plate.                                       Quality Vintage & Mid-Century Furniture
                                                                                              Art - Vintage Toys - Estate Jewelry
             The next bright idea was the butterfly table introduced around 1700.
        The table itself was not shaped like a butterfly but the drop leaf support        From New Smyrna’s Oldest Antique Shop
        was. It was a swinging piece of wood that rotated out. It was shaped like            419 Canal Street • 386-426-7825
        a butterfly wing or a ship’s rudder and was fastened to the table top frame •
        on the top edge and inserted into the lower stretcher between the fixed                      Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm
        legs.  The shape of the butterfly meant that no diner had to straddle the leg                                                Spend a day shopping
        and since it took up no floor space it did not impede foot space.                                                            in New Smyrna Bch.
                                                                                                                                     7 Area Antique Shops
            That was followed by “D” end tables of the early 1800s that could be                                                   +Many Fine Restaurants.
        joined to make a big table and a few examples of early extension tables                                                     Sure to be an adventure!
        that had a complex “accordion” extension mechanism.                                                                                          1
            Then by the mid-19th century along came the prototype interlocking
        wooden slides that would become the standard for the next century and
        half (so far). It just took a while.                                                Coronado Antiques

           Send your comments, questions and pictures to me at PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL           & Collectibles Mall
        34423 or email them to me at                       Over 7,000 sq.ft. of Home Decor, Antiques, Mid-Century Modern,
           Visit Fred’s website at and check out the                Nautical & Coastal Furnishings and Much More!
        downloadable “Common Sense Antiques” columns in .pdf format. His book “HOW TO
        BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now available for $18.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Send       1433 South Dixie Freeway
        check or money order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor, PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423      New Smyrna Shopping Center - (US 1 South)
           Fred and Gail Taylor's DVD, "IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE",            New Smyrna Beach, FL
        ($17.00 + $3.00 S&H) are also available at the same address. For more information call
        (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM Eastern, M-F only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail                           386-428-3331 All items are also available directly from the website,   OPEN Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12-5pm
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