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June, 2018 The Antique Shoppe Page 15
Marburger Farm him beside the road in France. “Marburger la Vintage! logos, while designer Michelle anniversary, a couple from Seattle was
Spring Antique Show— Farm is my favorite show in the world,” said Nussbaumer stormed the show, scooping seeking antique components for a new house
Sheffield. Where is it going now? West!
under construction. Measuring a 100 inch tall
up antiques and art for a special Marburger
The Grand Exchange of Wonderful Things - Sheffield sold the chest to a shop owner in Chairish collection. cupboard, the wife mused that, “If we buy
Where did it Come from? Where has it Gone? the Texas Hill Country. Things get around. From the Empire State, South Porch this cupboard, we won’t have to buy new
Shopper Jayne Philp from Australia bought Antiques near Rochester, NY brought a cabinets.”
ROUND TOP, TX— The Texas gathering of a folk art necklace made from 1930s nursery 19th c. empire sofa with the upholstery This is how things get around, found in one
the antiques clans has come and gone, with beads found in a Nebraska attic. With bright deconstructed down to the linen base. It place and delivered to the great crossroads
the spring Marburger Farm Antique Show in yellow wood beads and worn close to the sold, as did a taxidermy pair of tiny fawns, of Marburger Farm to find a home in a new
Round Top running March 27-31. Over 350 face, the necklace, she said, is just right a pair of doors over 12 feet tall and several place. That new place could be yours!
exhibitors displayed antiques and art of all for women who want to wear imaginative very large tables. “This show was right up Visit the fall Marburger Farm Antique
styles and eras on the 43 acre farm and in 11 jewelry. Her shopping companion purchased there with our best Marburger shows,” said Show, with newly-revised dates, Tuesday,
historic Texas buildings on the site. a stack of old books straight out of the once- co-owner Patrick Kenny. October 2 - Saturday, October 6, 2018. One
Exhibitor David Sheffield traveled over Czechoslovakia. For Dallas shopper Stephanie Lott, it admission is good all week. See information
5,000 miles from his home in Florida to the In addition to thousands of items that was a premiere visit to the twice-yearly on travel, maps, vendors, special events, at
south of France to Marburger Farm to offer had traveled thousands of miles, the show blockbuster show. She took home a or call 800-
17th and 18th century furniture, art and featured book-signings by design authors Sue collection of hand-made tool boxes and 947-5799. Follow show news on Facebook,
architectural fragments. He bagged a rare Whitney and Carolyn Westbrook. New show totes, one purchased by a show exhibitor @marburgerfarm and the show blog at
c.1800 Danish chest of drawers directly out sponsor Chairish was also on hand, giving out from an Amish farm in Indiana.
of the van of a German dealer who met complimentary shopping bags with their Viva To celebrate their 20th wedding
The number of responses our newspaper generates Finding Antique, Vintage, & Collectibles can
each month is greater than any other Antique be like looking for a “Needle in a Haystack!”
Newspaper in Florida! And, it’s increasing each Advertising with the Antique Shoppe Newspaper
month. Our advertisers are so satisfied with their provides you with many potential “Needles.” It’s
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