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Page 18          The Antique Shoppe            June, 2018
                                                                                  manufacturers of wooden table slides was J.F. Snyder of Dayton, OH
                            COMMON SENSE                                          in business from 1874 to 1894. He had a patented table slide in 1876,
                                                                                  patent number 176,816.  Another was Walter of Wabash (B. Walter &
         ANTIQUES                                                                 Co. of Wabash, IN) which was established in the mid to late 1880s.
                                                                                  The other major manufacturer was the Watertown Table-Slide Co. of

                                                    By Fred Taylor                Watertown, WI, established in 1889. These latter two makers provided
                                                                                  a great deal of the entire market in wooden table slides from the late
                                                                                  19th century to the mid-20th century. But that doesn’t mean that wooden
                      SLIDING INTO HISTORY                                        slides were not in use before that.
                                                                                     An example from the 1840s can be found in the book “Field Guide
                       Early Extension Tables                                     to American Antique Furniture” by Butler, Henry Holt. It is a New York

                                                                                  Gothic Revival dining table with a center leg, c.1840, and a dealer in
                                                                                  Southampton, Mass recently had a Renaissance Revival style table with
            A reader recently sent me some photos of a Victorian period table.    wooden slides which he dated as 1860. That is a very early date for the
        At first glance it looked like a typical “turtle top” parlor or lamp table   style, but he is still in the ballpark and well before the 1880s.
        with a wooden top. Closer inspection revealed it to be an extension table    While wooden table slides may seem to be an intuitive concept
        that opened to nearly                                                                                                  now that we see them,
        ten feet using wooden                                                                                                  why did it take until
        interlocking table slides.                                                                                             the middle of the 19th
        The reader asked me to                                                                                                 century to be able to
        confirm his date of 1840-                                                                                              figure out how to extend
        1860. The style said yes.                                                                                              a table? It didn’t.
        The form said yes. The
        slides said maybe.                                                                                                         The idea of a
                                                                                                                               stationary dedicated
            Interlocking parallel                                                                                              eating surface is a
        wooden table slides                                                                                                    relatively recent concept.
        did not show up on                                                                                                     The Romans mostly
        a regular basis until                                                                                                  never bothered with the
        the 1870s. One of the                                                                                                  idea.
        earliest commercial                This is an early Rococo Revival style extension table, circa 1850, with wooden
                                                   extension slides that opens to ten feet. (John Maeder photo)                             Continued >>


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