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June, 2018 The Antique Shoppe Page 23
LASSIES RM Auctions- April 6-7, 2018
http://corps.salvationarmyindiana. Ft. Lauderdale— RM Auctions returned to Florida April 6-7 for the
org/fortwayne/about-us/history-2/ company’s 16th annual Fort Lauderdale sale, where they achieved
history-of-the-donut-girls/ $19.1 million in total sales and 76 percent of all lots found new
Need an excuse to sate a sweet homes. The total included noteworthy items purchased by bidders
tooth? The first Friday of June is National using LiveAuctioneers online.
Doughnut Day! No, it’s not a made up
holiday by Krispy Kreme. • A 1979 Volkswagen Beetle Cabriolet in Mars Red show-quality
National Doughnut Day was paint sold for $22,400 through LiveAuctioneers on Friday, April 6.
established in 1938 as a tribute to The The pretty little beauty represented the last year of production for the
Salvation Army “Lassies” who made and classic Beetle design.
served doughnuts and other foods to
thousands of soldiers during World War • On Saturday, April 7, RM Auctions also presented an Automobilia
I beginning in France in 1917. auction as part of the Fort Lauderdale event. One of the top items in
Started as a fundraiser (that still exists that auction was an Orange-Crush Vendo 81 vending machine, which
today) for the Chicago Salvation Army, sold for $5,600 to a LiveAuctioneers bidder. (est. $8,000-12,000)
its goal was to help the needy during the
Great Depression, and to honor those • Top sales at the Fort Lauderdale event were led by a pair of
women who assembled, fried (over an Mercedes-Benz 300 SLs, each offered from significant long-term Michigan homes. The most valuable
open fire) and served the doughnuts to
soldiers. lot of the two-day auction was a 1962 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster, which sold to a phone bidder for
The Salvation Army “Lassies” were the $1,540,000 following a lengthy competition (est. $1.2M/$M1.5m). The never fully restored and lovingly
first women ever sent to the front lines maintained 300 SL was offered from four decades of single-enthusiast ownership with a mere 36,600
during war time and they were sent to original miles. It was closely followed by a 1957 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing, which also ignited a
provide home cooked food and provide bidding battle, eventually bringing a final $1,193,500 (est. $1.0M/$1.3M). The Gullwing came directly
a morale boost to the troops. Although
the girls worked late into the night, from the person who had owned it since 1968. It had been exhibited in various Indiana museums over
they could serve only 150 doughnuts four decades.
the first day. The next day, that number
was doubled. A while later, when fully
equipped for the job, they fried from
2,500 to 9,000 doughnuts daily, as did OCALA - BELLEVIEW - CRYSTAL RIVER
other lassies along the frontline trenches. REDDICK - WILLISTON
Soooo, print out the recipe, grab
your can of lard and serve the entire
neighborhood. It’s your patriotic duty. NOW OPEN IN NEW LOCATION Heritage Antiques
5 C flour aka
2 C sugar DIGGERS ANTIQUE MALL the Old Wander Inn
5 tsp. baking powder 1811 N. PINE AVE. 103 NW Hwy. 19
Historic Downtown
1 ‘saltspoon’ salt (1/4 tsp.) OCALA, FL 34475 Crystal River, FL 34428
2 eggs MOSSY OAKS ANTIQUE MALL 352-629-5250 352-563-5597
8,000 Sq. Ft. 30+ Dealers Mon-Sat 10:30-5
1 3/4 C milk 6260 SE 118th Place Open 7 Days a Week Open Daily
1 Tub lard 6/10 mi. S. of Belleview on Hwy 301 Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm • Sun 12-5pm Clock Repair • Post Cards
Belleview, FL 34420
Antiques • Collectibles
352-307-0090 Handpainted Furniture
DIRECTIONS: Offering a Dazzling Variety of Mid Century Modern
Antique & Vintage Merchandise
Combine all ingredients (except for Professional Furniture Restoration Available WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES
lard) to make dough. Check out our albums on Facebook 45 ACCEPTING NEW VENDORS 38 40
Thoroughly knead dough, roll
smooth, and cut into rings that are • ANTIQUE • Williston’s Newest Antique Store
less than 1/4 inch thick. (When finding Back Door Antiques
items to cut out doughnut circles, be EMPORIUM
creative! Salvation Army doughnut 36 E. Noble Ave. · Williston
girls used whatever they could find, Antiques-Furniture-Books-Collectibles & More
from baking powder cans to coffee 17990 NW 77 Ave
percolator tubes.) Reddick, FL 32686 Dixie’s Antiques Mall
Drop the rings into the lard, making 352-591-1221 Antiques, Collectibles & Gifts
sure the fat is hot enough to brown OPEN
the doughnuts gradually. Turn the 112 W. Noble Ave. Tue-Sat 10-4
doughnuts slowly several times. - OPEN DAILY 10-6 - Williston, FL 32696 Parking
at rear
When browned, remove doughnuts I-75 at Exit 368 (352) 528-2338 of Store
and allow excess fat to drip off. Dust Over 8,000 sq. ft. of Air Conditioned Comfort
with powdered sugar. Let cool and info@antiqueemporiumfl.comm 36 with 75+ “FILLED TO THE RAFTERS” booths 28
enjoy. Rental Booths Available
Yield: 4 doz. doughnuts ANTIQUEEMPORIUMFL.COM Open 10-5 Mon-Sat 27 · 352-528-0769