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June, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 13
           BREVARD COLLECTORS                      Memory Lane
            SET MEETING DATES                      Antique Mall

            MELBOURNE— The Brevard                                                                   St. Petersburg
         Antiques and Collectibles Club
         will hold its monthly meeting on
         Friday, June 1st at the Suntree /    Over 5000 sq.ft. of Treasures await your shopping pleasure!       Area
         Viera Library, 902 Jordan Blass Dr.,     Furniture • Artwork • Glass • Porcelain
         at 10:00 AM. The subject will be           Pottery • Americana • Jewelry
         “Anything Goes”.                          Native American • Mid Century                 Antiques Dealers
                                                       Items from 1790-1970
            Attendees are encouraged              Unique Collections and much more!
         to bring one item for study and          OUR NEW ADDRESS!
         discussion. The group is open               4301 34th Street S.
         to anyone having an interest in              Skyway Marina Mall - US 19
                                                      St. Petersburg, FL
         learning about antiques.                        727.827.3111
            This will be the last meeting              Certified Appraiser on Staff  6
         until October when the Club will
         resume two meetings monthly.                                    
         The 1st Friday and the 3rd                                                                                             —NOW OPEN—
         Tuesday.                             FATHER’S DAY                                                              —                         AT LEFT BANK —
            For additional information call
         George at 321-254-5831.
                                                   JUNE 17                              I-275 EXIT @ 22nd Avenue No.
                                                                                                  40 DEALERS
                                                                                        Head East on 22nd Avenue No.
                                                           Dads                        Turn LEFT at MLK St. No. (9th St.)

                                                                                           2400 MLK Street North
                                                                    Love                     St. Petersburg, FL
                                                                                                   Shop Info   Buyers & Estate Info Hotline  1241 MLK (9TH) ST. N.
                                                           Antiques!                 OPEN Tue-Sun, Effective May 1-Closed Mon  ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701
                                                                                          ***  WE BUY    ***                     727-822-2106
                                                                                    Civil War items  -  vintage Weapons  -  Quilt  samplers  ANTIQUES • LOCAL ARTISTS/ARTISANS
                                                                                    estate DiamonDs - military - olD photos - ameriCana 1  HOME DÉCOR & GIFTS • VINTAGE  7
                                                                                    Fishing  -  Costume JeWelry  -  DeCoys  -  silver & golD

                                                                                     ANTIQUE GALLERIES of St. Petersburg
                                                                                                 450 34th Street N.  (US 19)
                                                                                                St. Petersburg, FL 33713

                                                                                         Over 90 Quality Dealers, 16,000 Sq Ft, Wide Aisles,
                                                                                       Easy On/Off I-275, Lots of Free Parking, Air Conditioned
                                                                                                Always Buying Estates & Quality Items
                    ANTIQUE MARKETPLACE                                                Fine Art & Sculpture - Old Masters to Folk Art, Antique, Mid-Century,
                    ANTIQUE MARKETPLACE
                       & BAY AREA AUCTION                                             Designer & Shabby Chic Furniture, Fine & Vintage Jewelry, Art Pottery,
                        & BAY AREA AUCTION
                                                                                           Sterling Silver Pieces, American, African, Asian Furnishings,
                    8010 US 19 N                                              OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK  Stained & Art Glass, Books, Catalogs, Tools, Nautical,
            PINELLAS PARK, FL 33781                                   MON-SAT 10-5               Toys, Architectural Salvage, Garden & Yard Art
                    727-549-0450                                                SUN - 12-5

            Visit our 11,000+ Sq. Ft. Mall with over 80 dealers, booths & cases.                              Visit us at:
          Featuring large collections of antiques, collectibles, mid century, Vintage hardware,
            die cast cars, trucks, and tractors etc., antique toys, jewelry, paintings/artwork,
           indoor & outdoor decor, furniture, early American pressed glass, and lots more!                                 Visit our Showroom
                                 Fun for all, 7 days a week.                                                             Mon-Sat 10-5 • Sun 12-5
         Impressive collection of clocks & lighting, with reputable repair services available.                                 727 321-3331
          ALWAYS BUYING                                    DEALERS ALWAYS                                                  Like Us On Facebook
                                                                                                                            Follow Us On Twitter
           1pc OR ENTIRE
                                                             NEW QUALITY
              ESTATES                                        WELCOME

             We are a full service auction company with experienced full time
                      auctioneers, warehouse crew, and office staff.
                    VISIT US AT:

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