P. 36

3 B     Elasticity of Demand

            Introduction :                                         unchanged. It is expressed as :

                 In the previous chapter you have already     Ey =   Percentage change in Qty. Demanded
            studied  the  law of demand  which  shows the               Percentage change in Income
            inverse relationship between quantity demanded    Symbolically,
            and price of a commodity. The law of demand       Ey =   % Q
            does  not  explain  the  extent  of  a  change  in      % Y
            demand due to a change in the price. Thus,              Q       Y
            law of demand fails to explain the quantitative      =    Q   ÷   Y
            relationship between price and quantity              =   Q   ×   Y
            demanded.  Therefore,  Prof. Alfred  Marshall             Q      Y
            explained the concept of elasticity of demand.    Where,

            Concept of Elasticity of Demand :                  = Represents change
                 The term elasticity indicates responsiveness     Q = Orignal demand
            of one variable to a change in the other variable.     Y = Orignal income
            Elasticity  of demand  refers to the degree  of   Q = Change in quantity demanded
            responsiveness of quanitity  demanded  to  a      Y = Change in income of a consumer
            change in its price or any other factor.

                 According to Prof. Marshall, “Elasticity       You should know :
            of  demand  is  great  or  small  according  to  the   •  Positive income elasticity
            amount demanded which rises much or little for         Normal goods for which demand
            a given fall in price and quantity demanded falls      increases with increase in income.
            much or little for a given rise in price.”          •  Negative income elasticity
                 It is clear from the above definition  that        Inferior  or goods for which  demand

            elasticity of demand is a technical term which         decreases with increase in income  of
            describes the responsiveness of change in              consumer.
            quantity demanded to fall or rise in its price. In   •  Zero income elasticity
            other words, it is the ratio of percentage change        Necessary goods for which demand
            in quantity  demanded  of a commodity  to a            remains constant with increase in income
            percentage change in price.
                                                                   of the consumer.
            Types of Elasticity of Demand :
              1)  Income elasticity                             2)  Cross elasticity : It refers to a change in
                                                                   quantity demanded of one commodity due
              2)  Cross elasticity
                                                                   to a change in the price of other commodity.
              3)  Price elasticity
                                                                   (Complementary goods or substitutes)
              1)  Income elasticity : It refers to the degree
                 of responsiveness of a change in quantity    Ec =   Percentage change in Qty. demanded of A
                 demanded to a change in the income                      Percentage change in Price of B
                 only,  other  factors  including  price  remain   (A = Original commodity,  B = Other commodity)

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