P. 74

Precautions :                                     all added together, but income received in the
                 While estimating national income by output   form of transfer payments are ignored. The data
            method, following precautions should be taken:    pertaining to income are obtained from different
              1)  To avoid double counting, only the value of   sources, for instance, from income tax returns,
                 final goods and services must be taken into   reports, books of accounts, as well as estimates
                 account.                                     for small income.
              2)  Goods used for self consumption by               GNP can  be  treated  as the  sum of factor
                 farmers should be estimated  by a guess      incomes,  earned  as a result  of undertaking
                 work. Imputed value  of goods produced       economic  activity,  on the  part  of  resource
                 for self consumption is included in national   owners and reflected  in  the  production  of the
                 income.                                      total output of goods and services during any
              3)  Indirect taxes included in the market prices   given time period.
                 are to be deducted and subsidies given by         Thus, GNP, according to income method, is
                 the government to certain products should    calculated as follows:
                 be added for accurate estimation of national        NI = Rent + Wages + Interest + Profit +
                 income.                                      Mixed Income + Net income from abroad.
              4)  While  evaluating  output,  changes  in  the   NI = R + W + I + P + MI + (X–M)
                 price level between different years must be   Precautions :
                 taken into account.                               While  estimating  national  income  by
              5)  Value of exports should be added and value   income method, the following precautions
                 of imports should be deducted.               should be taken.
              6)  Depreciation of capital assets should be      1)  Transfer incomes or transfer payments like
                 deducted.                                         scholarships, gifts, donations, charity,  old
              7)  Sale and purchase of second hand goods           age pensions, unemployment allowance
                 should be ignored as it  is not a part of         etc., should be ignored.
                 current production.                            2)  All unpaid services  like  services  of a
                     Output method  is widely  used in the         housewife, teacher teaching her/his  child,
                 underdeveloped  countries. However, it            should be ignored.
                 is less reliable  because of the margin of     3)  Any income from sale of second hand goods
                 error. In India, this method  is applied  to      like car, house etc., should be ignored.
                 agriculture, mining and manufacturers,         4)  Income from sale of shares and bonds
                 including handicrafts. But it is not applied      should be  ignored,  as they  do not  add
                 for transport, commerce and communication         anything to the real national income.
                 sectors in India.                              5)  Revenue received by the government

            2) Income Method :                                     through direct taxes, should be ignored, as
                 This method of measuring national income          it is only a transfer of income.
            is also known as factor cost method. This           6)  Undistributed profits of companies, income
            method estimates national income  from the             from government property and profits from
            distribution side.                                     public  enterprise,  such  as water  supply,
                 According  to  this  method,  the  income         should be included.
            payments received by all citizens of a country,     7)  Imputed value of production kept for self-
            in a particular  year, are added up, that  is,         consumption  and imputed  rent of owner
            incomes that accrue to all factors of production       occupied houses should be included.
            by way of rents, wages, interest and profits are          In India, the National Income Committee

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