P. 69

Q. 2. Complete the Correlation :                    4)  Calculate Laaspeyre's and Paasche's index from
              1)  Price Index : Inflation ::    : Agricultural     the given data :
                 production                                                    Base Year       Current Year
              2)         : Base year prices ::  1 : Current year   Commodity  Price  Quantity  Price  Quantity
                 prices                                             X         8       30       12      25
              3)  Laaspeyre's index :      :: Paasche's index       Y         10      42       20      16
                 : Current year quantities
              4)         : Single variable :: Composite index :   Q. 4. Distinguish between :
                 Group of variables                             1)  Simple Index Numbers and Weighted Index

            Q. 3. Solve the following :                            Numbers.
              1)  Calculate Price Index number from the given     2)  Price Index and Quantity Index.
                 data :                                         3)  Laaspeyre's Index and Paasche's Index.
                    Commodity       A     B     C      D      Q. 5.  State  with  resons  whether you agree or
                  Price in 2005 (`)  6    16    24     4      disagree with the following statements :
                  Price in 2010 (`)  8    18    28     6
                                                                1)  Index  numbers measure  changes  in  the  price
              2)  Calculate Quantity Index number from the given   level only.
                 data :                                         2)  Index numbers are free from limitations.
                   Commodity         P   Q    R    S    T
               Base year quantities  170 150 100 195 205        3)  Index numbers can be constructed without the
              Current year quantities  90  70  75  150  95         base year.
              3)  Calculate Value Index number from the given   Q. 6. Answer the following :
                 data :                                         1)  Explain the features of index numbers.
                               Base Year     Current Year       2)  Explain  the significance  of index  numbers  in
                            Price Quantity Price Quantity          economics
                     A       40      15      70      20
                     B       10      12      60      22       Q. 7. Answer in detail :
                     C       50      10      90      18         1)  Explain the steps involved in the construction of
                     D       20      14      100     16            index numbers.
                     E       30      13      40      15

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