P. 66

current year to derive  p q . Take sum total of the   Ex. 1 : Construct Laaspeyre’s Index for the given
                                   1 1
            products  to derive Σp q .                        data :
                                 1 1
            3) Apply the formula :                             Commodities      Base year     Current year
                                         Σp q                                  p 0     q       p 1      q 1
            Value Index Number V  =         1 1   × 100
                                    01   Σp q                       A          20       4      30       6
                                            0 0
                                                                    B          10       5      20       8
             Commodities      Base year      Current year           C          40       8      60       5
                            p     q   p q    p     q  p q
                             0     0   0 0    1     1  1 1          D          30       4      40       4
                  P          5    4    20    20   10 200
                                                              Solution :
                  Q         10    3    30    30    8   240
                                                               Commodities     Base     Current
                  R         15    2    30    40    6   240                     year      year
                                                                              p    q    p    q    p q   p q
                  S         20    1    20    50    4   200                     0    0    1    1    1  0  0  0
                                                                    A        20    4    30   6    120   80
                 Total     Σp q   =   100 Σp q     =   880
                             0 0              1 1                   B        10    5    20   8    100   50
                                         Σp q                       C        40    8    60   5    480   320
            Value Index Number V  =         1 1   × 100
                                    01   Σp q                       D        30    4    40   4    160   120
                                            0 0
                 V  =       × 100 = 880                            Total                          860   570
                  01   100
                                                              Steps  :  1) Find out the product  p q  of the
                 V  =  880                                                                         1 0
                  01                                          different commodities.
              B)  Weighted Index Number : In this method,     2) Find out  the  product  p q  of the  different
                                                                                         0 0
                 suitable  weights are assigned  to  various   commodities.
                 commodities.  It  gives  relative  importance   3) Add all the products p q  obtained to derive
                                                                                       1 0
                 to the commodity in the group. In most of    Σp q .
                                                                 1 0
                 the cases ‘quantities’ are used as weights.   4) Add all the products p q  obtained to derive
                 There are various methods of constructing    Σp q .                   0 0
                                                                 0 0
                 weighted index number such as Laaspeyre’s    5) Apply the given formula :
                 Price Index, Paasche’s Price Index etc.                 Σp q
                                                                   P  =     1 0   × 100
            Some Solved Examples :                                  01   Σp q
                                                                            0 0
                           Étienne Laspeyres :  German             P =  860   × 100 = 150.87
                           economist Étienne Laspeyres              01   570
                           (1834–1913) formulated an          Thus, Laaspeyre’s index P  = 150.87
                           index for measuring current
                           prices or quantities in relation to   Do you know?
                           those of a selected base period.       Sensex and Nifty are stock market indices
             The distinctive feature of the Laspeyres index     which  represent  Bombay  Stock  Exchange
             is that it uses a group of commodities purchased   (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE)
             in the base period as the basis for comparison.    respectively.
                                                                  Sensex, also called BSE 30, is the market
              1)  Laaspeyre’s Price  Index Number :  In
                 this technique,  ‘base year’ quantities  are   index consisting of 30 well-established
                 considered as weights. Laaspeyre’s price       and financially sound companies listed on
                 index is calculated as :                       Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The base
                       Σp q                                     year of Sensex is 1978-79.
                 P  =     1 0   × 100                             Nifty, also called NIFTY 50, is the market
                  01   Σp q
                          0 0
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