P. 65

where, Σq  = sum total of the quantities of the
                                           SIMPLE INDEX                 1
                                             NUMBER           current year
               CONSTRUCTION OF
                INDEX NUMBERS               WEIGHTED          Σq  = sum total of the quantities of the base year
                                          INDEX NUMBER           0
                                                              Ex 2 : Construct a Quantity index number using
              A) Simple Index Number : In this method,        the simple method from the given data :
                 every commodity is given equal importance.   Steps : 1)  Add the  quantities  of the  different
                 It is the easiest method of constructing index   commodities of the base year to derive Σq
                 numbers. This method can be applied to                                                0
                 determine                                    2) Add the quantities of the different commodities
                 1) Price Index Number                        of the current year to derive Σq
                 2) Quantity Index Number                     3) Apply the formula :          Σq
                 3) Value Index Number                        Quantity Index Number Q  =         1   × 100
                                                                                         01   Σq 0
            Some Solved Examples :
                                                               Commodities    Qty. in 2000     Qty. in 2001
            1) Price index number :  It is measured as:                      (Base year) q  (Current year) q
                                        Σp                                                0                1
            Price Index Number P  =        1   × 100                A              30              45
                                   01   Σp
            where, Σp = sum total of the prices of the current year  B             55              70
                        Σp  = sum total of the prices of the base year  C          90             105
            Ex 1 : Construct a Price index number using the         D              35              60
            simple method from the given data :                    Total        Σq = 210        Σq = 280
            Steps : 1) Add the prices of the different        Quantity Index Number Q  =      Σq 1   × 100
            commodities of the base year to derive Σp                                    01   Σq 0
                                                     0              280
            2) Add the prices of the different commodities of   Q  =  210   × 100 = 133.33
            the current year to derive Σp
                                        1                     Q  =133.33
            3) Apply the formula :                              01
            Price Index Number P  =        1   × 100          3) Value Index Number :  It is measured as :
                                   01   Σp
                                           0                                               Σp q
                                                                                             1 1
              Commodities Prices in 2010  Prices in 2015      Value Index Number V  =      Σp q   × 100
                              (in `) Base   (in `) (Current                                  0 0
                               year) p         year) p        where, Σp q  = sum total of the product of the
                                                                        1 1
                                      0              1        prices and quantities of the current year.
                    A             20             30
                    B             60             80           Σp q  = sum total of the product of the prices and
                                                                 0 0
                    C            100             130          quantities of the base year.
                    D             40             60           Ex 3 : Construct a Value index number using the
                  Total        Σp = 220       Σp = 300
                                 0              1             simple method from the given data :
            Price Index Number P  =        1   × 100          Steps : 1) Find the product of prices and their
                                   01   Σp
                  300                      0                  respective quantities of the different commodities
            P  =       × 100 = 136.36
              01  220                                         for the base year to derive p q . Take the sum
                                                                                           0 0
            P  =136.36                                        total of the products to derive Σp q .
              01                                                                              0 0
            2) Quantity index number : It is measured as :    2) Find the product of prices and their respective
                                            Σq                quantities of the different commodities for the
            Quantity Index Number Q  =         1   × 100
                                       01   Σq
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70