P. 63

current period. It is denoted by the suffix ‘1’.  • Consumer Price Index
               Notations                                        • Wholesale Price Index
               p  = Price of the commodity in the base year     • Index of Agricultural Production
               p  = Price of the commodity in the current       • Index of Industrial Production
               year                                             • Index of Service Production
                                                                • Index of Export/Import
               q  =   Quantity of the commodity consumed
                0                                               • Human Development Index
               or purchased in the base year
               q  =  Quantity of the commodity consumed
                1                                             Significance of Index Numbers in Economics :
               or purchased in the current year                    Index numbers are indispensable tools of

                                                              economic analysis. Following points explain the
            Types of Index numbers :
                                                              significance of index numbers :
                            PRICE INDEX NUMBER
                                                                1)  Framing suitable policies : Index numbers
               INDEX       QUANTITY INDEX NUMBER                   provide guidelines to policy makers in
             NUMBERS       VALUE  INDEX NUMBER                     framing suitable economic policies such

                           SPECIAL PURPOSE INDEX NUMBER            as agricultural policy, industrial policy,
                                                                   fixation of wages and dearness allowances
              1)  Price Index Number : It measures the             in accordance with the cost of living etc.
                 general changes in the prices of goods. It
                 compares the level of prices between two       2)  Studies  trends and tendencies : Index
                 different time periods.                           numbers are widely used to measure changes
                                                                   in economic variables such as production,
              2)  Quantity Index Number :  It is also called       prices, exports, imports etc. over a period of
                 volume index number. It measures changes          time. For example, by examining the index
                 in the level of output or physical volume of      of industrial  production  for the  last  five
                 production in the economy. For example,           years, we can draw important conclusions
                 changes in agricultural production, industrial    about the trend of industrial production
                 production etc. over a period of time.
                                                                   whether it shows an upward tendency or a
              3)  Value Index Number : The value of a              downward tendency.
                 commodity is the product of its price and      3)  Forecasting about future economic
                 quantity (p × q). Value index number              activity :  Index numbers are useful for
                 measures the changes in the value of a            making predictions for the future based on
                 variable in terms of rupee. It is a more          the analysis of the past and present trends
                 informative  index  as  it  combines  both,       in the economic  activities. For  example,
                 changes in the price as well as quantity.
                                                                   based on the available  data  pertaining  to
              4)  Special Purpose Index Number : They              imports and exports, future predictions can
                 are constructed with some specific purpose.       be made. Thus, forecasting guides in proper
                 For example, import-export index numbers,         decision making.
                 labour  productivity index numbers, share      4)  Measurement of inflation :  Index numbers
                 price index numbers etc.
                                                                   are also used to measure changes in the
               Do you know?                                        price level  from time  to time.  It enables
                 Some of the widely used index numbers             the government to undertake appropriate
               by the Government of India :                        anti-inflationary  measures. There is a
                                                                   legal  provision to  pay  the  D.A. (dearness

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