P. 64

allowance) to the employees in organised          number. For example,  in the construction
                 sector on the basis of changes in Dearness        of price index numbers it is impossible to
                 Index.                                            include  each  and every  commodity.  The
              5)  Useful to present financial  data in             commodities to be selected should represent
                 real terms :  Deflating means to make             the tastes, habits and customs of the people.
                 adjustments in the original data. Index           Besides this, only standardized or graded
                 numbers are used to adjust price changes,         items should be  included to  give  better
                 wage changes etc. Thus, deflating  helps          results.
                 to present financial data in real terms (at     4)  Selection of price  quotations : Prices of
                 constant prices).                                 the  selected  commodities  may  vary  from

            Construction of Index Numbers :                        place to place and shop to shop in the same
                 Following  steps are  involved  in  the           market. Therefore, it is desirable that price
            construction of index numbers :                        quotations  should  be obtained  from an
              1)  Purpose of index number :  The purpose           unbiased price reporting agency. To achieve
                 for constructing the index number, its scope      accuracy, proper selection of representative
                 as well  as which  variable is intended  to       places and persons is required.
                 be measured should be clearly decided to       5)  Choice of a suitable average : Construction
                 achieve fruitful results.                         of  index  numbers  requires  choice  of  a
              2)  Selection of the base year : Base year is        suitable average. Generally, Arithmetic
                 also called the reference year. It is the year    mean is used in the construction of index
                 against which comparisons are made. The           numbers because it  is simple to compute
                 base year should be normal i.e. it should be      compared to other averages.
                 free from natural calamities. It should not     6)  Assigning proper weights : Weight
                 be too distant in the past.                       refers to the relative  importance of the
                                                                   different  items in the construction  of an
               Do you know?                                        index  number.  Weights  are  of  two  types
                 In   2015,    the   Central   Statistical         i.e. quantity weights (q) and value weights

               Organisation (CSO) under the Ministry of            (p x q). Since  all  items  are not  of equal
               Statistics changed the base year for tabulating     importance, by assigning specific weights,
               Gross Domestic Product from 2004-05 to              better results can be achieved.
               2011-12. Periodic rebasing of GDP series         7)  Selection of an appropriate formula :
               every  seven  to  ten  years  is  carried  out  to   Various formulae  are  devised  for the
               account for the changing economic structure         construction of index numbers. Choice of a
               and relative prices. Besides this, the base         suitable formula depends upon the purpose
               year of Index of Industrial Production (IIP)        of index number and availability of data.
               and the base year of Wholesale Price Index
               (WPI) has also been changed from 2004-05       Methods of Constructing Index Numbers :
               to 2011-12. At present, the process of further        There are two methods of constructing
                                                              index numbers:
               rebasing the base year is underway.
                                                                   a) Simple Index Number
              3)  Selection of items : It is necessary to select a        b) Weighted Index Number
                 sample of the number of items to be included        The following chart explains the methods
                 in  the  construction  of  a particular  index   of constructing index numbers :

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