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services produced in the economy are              Firms, Government  and  Foreign  sector)
                 considered. The value of intermediate goods       Y = C + I + G + (X-M)
                 or raw materials  is  not  considered.  For        The circular flow of goods and money in a
                 example, while estimating the production     two sector model is explained below :
                 of shirts, there is no need to take the value   Two sector model of Circular flow of National
                 of cotton, as it is already included  in the   Income :
                 price of the shirts.                              There are two sectors, households and
              3)  Net aggregate value : National income       firms. It divides the diagram into two parts. The
                 includes net value of goods and services     upper half represents the factor market and the
                 produced and does not include depreciation   lower half represents the commodity market.
                 cost. (i.e. wear and tear of capital assets)       Fig. no. 7.2 explaines circular flow of

              4)  Net income from abroad : National           income and expenditure in a two sector model.
                 income includes net income from abroad i.e.          Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise
                 difference between export value and import
                 value  (X-M) and  net  difference  between               Consumption Expenditure on
                 receipts from abroad and payments made                       Goods and Services
                 abroad (R-P).
              5)  Financial year : National income is always     Households                       Firms
                 expressed with reference to a time period.
                                                                             Factor Income, Rent,
                 In India, it is from 1st April to 31st March.              Wages, Interest, Profit
              6)  Flow concept : National income is a flow
                 concept  as it shows flow of goods and                   Flow of Goods and Services
                 services produced in the economy during a                        Fig. 7.2
                 year.                                             In the above figure 7.2, the factors of

              7)  Money value : National income is always     production  flow from the households to the
                 expressed in monetary terms. It represents   firms. The firms use these factors to produce
                 only those goods and services which are      goods and services required by the households.
                 exchanged for money.                         Thus, goods flow from the households to the
                                                              firms and from the firms back to the households.
            Circular Flow of National Income :                It is called product flows.
                 Circular flow of income is the basic concept        In the same way, money flows from the
            in macro economics. The circular flow of income   firms  to  the  households  in  the  form  of  factor
            refers  to  the  process whereby  an economy's    payments  such  as rent,  wages, interest  and
            money receipts and payments flow in a circular    profit. Households use this income to purchase
            manner continuously through time.
                                                              goods and services. Thus, money flows from the
                 Circular flow of income can be determined    firms to the households and from the households
            for the following :
                                                              back to the firms. It is called money flows.
              1)  Two sector Economy  (Households and              In the circular flow of income, production
                 Business Firms.)  Y = C + I                  generates  factor income,  which is converted
              2)  Three  sector Economy (Households,          into expenditure. This flow of income continues
                 Business Firms and Government  sector)       as production  is a continuous activity  due  to
                  Y = C + I + G                               never ending human wants. It makes the flow of
              3)  Four Sector Economy  (Households, Business   income circular

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