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of the Central Statistical Organization, uses business sector for production of goods and
the income method for adding up the income services in any economy (G).
arising from trade, transport, professional 4) Net Foreign Investment/Net Exports : It
and liberal arts, public administration and refers to the difference between exports and
domestic services. imports of a country during a period of one
3) Expenditure Method : year.
This method of measuring national income 5) Net Receipts (R-P) : The difference
is also known as Outlay Method. between expenditure incurred by foreigners
According to this method, the total on domestic goods and services (R) and
expenditure incurred by the society, in a expenditure incurred abroad by residents
particular year, is added together. Income can on foreign goods and services (P).
be spent either on consumer goods or on capital Precautions:
goods. Thus, we can get national income by While estimating national income by
summing up all consumption expenditure and Expenditure Method, the following precautions
investment expenditure made by all individuals, should be taken.
firms as well as the government of a country 1) Expenditure on all intermediate goods and
during a year. services should be ignored, in order to avoid
Thus, gross national product is found by adding double counting.
up NI = C + I + G + (X–M) + (R–P)
2) Expenditure on the repurchase of second
1) Private Final Consumption Expenditure hand goods, should be ignored, as it is not
(C) : Private Final Consumption Expenditure incurred on currently produced goods.
(C) by households on non-durable goods, 3) Expenditure on transfer payments
such as food, which are used immediately; like scholarships, old age pensions,
expenditure on durable goods such as car, unemployment allowance etc., should be
computer, television set, washing machine ignored.
etc., which are generally used for a longer
period of time; and expenditure on services 4) Expenditure on repurchase of financial
like transport services, medical services, etc. assets such as shares, bonds, debentures etc.,
should not be included, as such transactions
2) Gross Domestic Private Investment do not add to the flow of goods and services.
Expenditure (I) : It refers to expenditure 5) Indirect taxes should be deducted.
made by private businesses on replacement, 6) Expenditure on final goods and services
renewals and new investment (I).
should be included.
3) Government Final Consumption and 7) Subsidies should be included.
Investment Expenditure (G) : Out of these methods, the Output Method
i) Government's final consumption and Income Method are extensively used.
expenditure refers to the expenditure In advanced countries like U.S.A. and U.K.
incurred by government on various the Income Method is popular. Expenditure
administrative services like, law and order, Method is rarely used by any country
defence, education, health etc. because of practical difficulties. In India,
ii) Government's investment expenditure refers the Central Statistical Organization (CSO)
to the expenditure incurred by government, adopts a combination of both output method
on creating infrastructural facilities like and income method to estimate national
construction of roads, railways, bridges, income of India.
dams, canals, which are used by the