P. 149

Solution :
            Dr.                                  Revaluation Account                                     Cr.

                        Particular              Amount (`)          Particulars                 Amount (`)

             To Equipment                           11,250   By Stock                                6,000
             To Bad debts                            1,800   By Revaluation Loss                     7,050
                                                             Transferred to Capital A/c
                                                                  Anand                  5,640
                                                                  Rohit                  1,410

                                                    13,050                                          13,050

               Date                       Particulars                      L. F.   Debit (`)     Credit  (`)

                       Anand’s capital A/c ..........................................Dr.  72000
                       Rohit’s capital A/c ............................................Dr.  18000
                            To Goodwill A/c                                                          90,000
                       (Being Goodwill written off after admission of
            4:   The following is the Balance Sheet of Makarand and Mahesh sharing profits in the ratio of
                                                               Balance Sheet As on 31 March 2019
                        Liabilities               Amt (`)             Assets                      Amt (`)

              Capital Account                       95,000    Building                              72,000
              Makrand                             1,00,000    Plant and Machinery                   60,000
              Mahesh                                 4,000    Debtors                  42,000
              Sundry Creditors                       3,000    Less: R.D.D.              2,000       40,000
              Bills Payable                                   Bank                                  20,000
                                                              Furniture                             10,000
                                                  2,02,000                                        2,02,000

            On 1st April 2019 Mangesh is admitted for 1/2  share on the following terms:
            1    He Paid  `1,00,000 as his capital and ` 40,000 as his share of goodwill by RTGS.
            2    Plant and Machinery  revalued at ` 48,000.
            3.   Building taken by Makarand ` 1,00,000.
            4.   RDD to be increased up to ` 4,000.
            5    The old partners decided to retain half of the amount of goodwill in the business.

            6    The old partners decided to sacrifice equally.
                 Prepare Partner’s Capital Account Only

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