P. 157

Solution :
            Dr.                                  Revaluation Account                                     Cr.

                         Particulars                       Amt (`)           Particulars           Amt (`)
             To Provision to Doubtful Debts A/c              3,900   By Land and Building A/c        30,000
             To Investment A/c (22500-15000)                 7,500   By Creditors A/c                   750

             To Profit transferred to
             Adil’s Capital   A/c                 12,900
             Sameer’s Capital  A/c                 6,450    19,350

                                                            30,750                                   30,750
            Dr.                               Partner’s Capital Account                                 Cr.

                Particulars      Adil    Sameer    Raju          Particulars          Adil   Sameer  Raju
                                  (`)      (`)      (`)                                (`)     (`)      (`)
             To Goodwill A/c      8,000    4,000           By Balance b/d             90,000 48,600
             To Advertisement     8,000    4,000           By Revaluation A/c         12,900   6,450
             Suspens A/c                                   (Profit)
             To Cash A/c          5,000    2,500           By Cash A/c)                               30,000
             To Profit  and       8,000    4,000           By  Goodwill A/c           10,000   5,000
             Loss A/c
             To Cash A/c         31,900 19,550             By General Reserve A/c      8,000   4,000
             To Balance c/d      60,000 30,000     30,000

                               1,20,900 64,050     30,000                           1,20,900 64,050 30,000

                                             Balance Sheet As on 1.4. 2018

                   Particulars         Amt (`)     Amt (`)          Particulars         Amt (`)    Amt (`)
             Bill Payable                           60,000   Cash                                   16,650
             Sundry Creditors                       62,250   Debtors                      39,000
                                                             Less : Provision              3,900    35,100
             Capital :                                       Investments                            85,500
             Adil                         60,000             Land & Building                      1,05,000

             Sameer                       30,000
             Raju                         30,000 1,20,000

                                                  2,42,250                                        2,42,250
            Note :
                 At the time of the admission it is desirable that the amount of goodwill which is already ap-
                 pearing in the books should always be written off among old partners in their old profit sharing
                 ratio, when the new partner brings in cash for goodwill.

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