P. 239

2.   Following is the Balance Sheet of Kadam, Shinde and Chavan as on 31st March 2019.
                 They were sharing Profit and Losses in ratio 1/2, 1/6, 1/3.

                                         Balance Sheet as on 31 st March 2019.
             Liabilities                        Amount `     Assets                              Amount `
             Capital A/c :                                   Building                               28,500
             Kadam                                  36,000   Machinery                              20,250
             Shinde                                 32,250   Furniture                                4,500
             General Reserve                        18,000   Stock                                  30,750
             Kadam’s Loan                           11,250   Debtors                                15,000
             Sundry Creditors                       18,750   Bills Receivable                         9,000
             Bills Payable                          11,250   Bank                                     4,500
                                                             Profit and Loss account                  2,250
                                                             Chavan’s Capital account               12,750

                                                  1,27,500                                         1,27,500
            On the above date the firm was dissolved and the assets realised as under.

            1.   Building ` 27,000, Machinery ` 18,000, Debtors ` 27,500, and Goodwill ` 1,350
            2.   Kadam took over Furniture and Stock at ` 30,000 and agreed to pay Cerditors at a discount of
                 ` 750
            3.   Shinde took over Bills Receivable at ` 7,800 and paid Bills Payable in full.
            4.   Dissolution expenses amounted to ` 2,400
            5.   Chavan become insolvent. No amount was recovered from his estate.

            Show Realisation Account, Partners Capital Account and Bank Account.

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